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開課序號 2409 課程學制
科目代碼 BAU0032 課程名稱 個體經濟學
英文名稱 Microeconomics
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 企管系(學)
先修課程 ◎必須先修過【BAU0038 經濟學(一)】
課程簡介 個體經濟學是針對消費者、廠商等個別經濟行為者,基於其對特定目標的追求,而研究其決策過程,以及其所導致的市場價格與資源配置。承續經濟學之課程,本課程旨在介紹個體經濟學的基礎理論與工具應用,為同學奠定最根本的個體經濟學基礎。除了重要個體經濟學概念的講授外,亦將搭配有趣而生活化的相關議題進行討論,以期兼顧個體經濟學的觀念傳授與應用說明。本課程歡迎各主修背景之同學修習,學習過經濟學或微積分者尤佳。為強化學生學習效能,本課程將視狀況進行數學輔助教學。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 使學生認識個體經濟的理論 學士:
 1-1 1.1 Able to identify relevant issues
 1-2 1.2 Able to analyze gathered information using the appropriate methods and models
 2-1 2.1 Able to make clear and fluent oral communication in the business context
 3-1 3.1 Able to demonstrate general business knowledge with global perspectives
2. 學生將瞭解如何運用理論分析應用於實際工作事務 學士:
 5-2 5.2 Able to analyze business issues and opportunities with original insights
 6-2 6.2 Students will demonstrate their ability to employ analytical approaches for business tasks
 6-3 6.3 Students will demonstrate their ability to understand the business analysis findings and make appropriate business recommendations

授課教師 張可盈

Week 1   Chapter 1: Economic Models

Week 2   Chapter 2: Mathematics for Microeconomics    

Week 3   Chapter 3: Preferences and Utility

Week 4   Chapter 4: Utility Maximization and Choice and Quiz 1

Week 5   Chapter 5: Income and Subtitution Effects       

Week 6   Chapter 6: Demand Relationships among Goods

Week 7   Chapter 7: Uncertainty and Information  

Week 8   Chapter 8: Strategy and Game Theory and Quiz 2

Week 9   Midterm

Week 10  Chapter 9: Production Functions

Week 11   Chapter 10: Cost Functions        

Week 12   Chapter 11: Profit Maximization  

Week 13   Chapter 12: The Partial Equilibrium Competitive Model       

Week 14   Chapter 13: General Equilibrium and Welfare and Quiz 3

Week 15   Chapter 14: Monopoly      

Week 16   Chapter 15: Imperfect Competition

Week 17   Chapter 16: Labor Markets        573

Week 18   Final test
方式 說明
講述法 按照課綱進度,講述基礎理論,並介紹相關應用分析 Lecturing on basic theory according to the planned schedule. Relevant applications are to be discussed.
討論法 經濟理論衍申之問題的討論、解答、與解釋。Issues arose from economic theory are to be discussed, explained, and resolved.
合作學習 分組討論習題、或個案問題解決。Problem solving and case discussion in group.
方式 百分比 說明
期中考 30 % 學期中的會考,範圍包含上半學期的上課內容。 Midterm exam that covers the materials taught in the first half of the semester is to be included as part of the final course grade.
期末考 30 % 學期末的會考,範圍包含下半學期的上課內容。 Final exam that covers the materials taught in the second half of the semester is to be included as part of the final course grade.
課堂討論參與 30 % 課堂上將有不定期的問題討論、個案研究的參與。 Case study or related economic policy issues are to be discussed
出席 10 % 出席次數等比例做為成績考核項目。Class participation is included as part of the final course grade.

Text book:

Intermediate Microeconomics and Applications, by Nichoson


個體經濟學 第三版


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