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開課序號 1320 課程學制
科目代碼 EAC8017 課程名稱 比較政府與政治研究
英文名稱 Studies in Comparative Government and Politics
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 東亞系(碩)碩博合開
課程簡介 本課程旨在培養學生透過比較研究途徑與方法,理解比較政治之價值與限制、探究全球政治體制的特徵與類型、分析國家治理與政治制度之優劣,以及掌握比較政治之核心議題,如地緣政治、政治文化、政治變遷、政治規範等。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 了解比較政治之價值與限制 碩士:
 1-5 具備跨領域、跨文化的策略知識以及人文社會的科際整合能力。
 3-1 具有宏觀思惟、獨立思考、專業研究與批判反省的能力。
2. 探究全球政治體制的特徵與類型 碩士:
 2-3 具有採集、調查與學術研究所需之語言、文獻與文本應用能力。
 3-2 具有尊重包容多元文化的世界觀與人文素養。
 4-3 能夠懷抱開放、宏觀、前瞻的全球視野,並體認東亞文化的特色與價值,理性參與公共事務。
3. 分析國家治理與政治制度之優劣 碩士:
 2-4 具備評論、撰述學術論文及編撰學術專書的能力。
 4-1 能夠以嚴謹的態度、重視學術倫理的精神,審慎進行學術研究。
4. 掌握比較政治之核心議題 碩士:
 1-5 具備跨領域、跨文化的策略知識以及人文社會的科際整合能力。
 4-2 能夠檢視、理解、尊重不同文化的多元與差異,並能遵循群我規範,具有使命感。

授課教師 陳文政

Week 1: Introduction

Part I Comparative Governmentand Politics: A Framework

Week 2: Comparative Government and Politics:Approaches and Methods

Week 3: PoliticalRegimes in Comparison: A Perspective of Spectrum


Part II Global Political Regimes fromComparative Perspectives

Week 4: A Debate over theDecline of Global Democratization: Pros v. Cons

Week 5: Western Democracies in Comparison: U.S.Experience

Week 6: Western Democracies in Comparison: EuropeExperience

Week 7:NonWestern Paradigm: Grey Zone Democracies inComparison

Week 8:Anti-WesternParadigm: Authoritarian Regimes in Comparison


Part III State Governance andPolitical Institute in Comparison

Week 9: StateGovernance in the Global Age

Week 10:Good Governance in Comparison

Week 11: Political Institution in Comparison (I)

Week 12:Political Institution in Comparison (II)

Week 13: GovernmentSystem in Comparison


Part IV Geopolitics,Political Culture, Change, and Norm in Comparison

Week 14: Geopolitics in Comparison

Week15: Political Culture in Comparison

Week 16: Political Change in Comparison

Week 17: Constitutionalism in Comparison

Week 18: ConcludingDiscussion and Feedback
方式 說明
講述法 講述比較政治與政府學術研究趨勢與概念架構
討論法 針對比較政治與政府學術研究核心議題進行討論
合作學習 藉由團體討論與分組討論交換學術觀點與心得
媒體融入教學 引證媒體有關足堪例證比較政治與政府學術研究不同觀點的各種分析報導
方式 百分比 說明
作業 30 % 針對指定閱讀進行書面作業報告進行形成性評量
課堂討論參與 10 % 藉由參與討論情形以理解學生的學習能力與態度
出席 10 % 出席課堂才能以面對面方式進行參與討論與思辨
報告 50 % 透過學期研究報告撰寫之格式與內容來評量學習者在本課程之學術展現成果

Week 1: Introduction


Part I Comparative Governmentand Politics: A Framework

Week 2: Comparative Government and Politics:Approaches and Methods

Cole,H. David (2013), The Varieties of Comparative Institutional Analysis, 2013 Wisconsin Law Review 383-409. (LJ2093)


Week 3: Political Regimes inComparison: A Perspective of Spectrum

Beek, Ursulavan (2015), Democracy Compared- Complexities and Values, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-16. (PJ118)

HÖgstrÖm, John (2013),Classification and Rating of Democracy: A Comparison, 9(2) Taiwan Journal of Democracy 33-54. (PJ114)


Part II Global Political Regimes fromComparative Perspectives

Week 4: A Debate over the Decline of GlobalDemocratization: Pros v. Cons

Bermeo,Nancy (2016), On Democratic Backsliding, 27(1) Journal of Democracy 5-19. (LJ2743)

Diamond,Larry (2015), Facing up to the Democratic Recession, Journal of Democracy, Vol.26,No.1, pp. 141-155. (LJ2487)

Diamond, Larry (2016), In Search of Democracy (New York: Routledge). (PB)

Levitsky,Steven and Lucan Way (2015), The Myth of Democratic Recession, Journal of Democracy, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 141-155. (LJ2488)

Puddington,Arch (2015), Discarding Democracy: A Return to the Iron Fist, in Freedom House,Freedom in the World 2015, pp. 1-28.(LJ2592)

Puddington,Arch and Tyler Roylance (2016), The Freedom House Survey for 2015- Anxious Dictators,Wavering Democrats, 27(2) Journal ofDemocracy 86-100. (LJ2741)

Puddington,Arch and Tyler Roylance (2017), Populists and Autocrats: The Dual Threat toGlobal Democracy, in Freedom House Report,Freedom in the World 2017, pp.1-24. (PJ225)

Schmitter,Philippe C. (2015), “Crisis and Transition, But Not in Decline,” in LarryDiamond and Marc F. Plattner eds., Democracyin Decline? Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp.39-57.(PB)


Week 5: Western Democraciesin Comparison: U.S. Experience

Fukuyama, Francis (2015), Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution tothe Globalization of Democracy (New York: Farrer, Straus and Giroux). (PB)

Fukuyama, Francis(2016), American Political Decay orRenewal?: The Meaning of the 2016 Election, ForeignAffairs,Vol.95, No.4, 2016, pp.58-6.(PJ198)

Kuhner,Timothy K. (2014), Capitalism v.Democracy- Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution (Stanford,C.A.: Stanford Law Books)

Kuhner,Timothy K. (2016), The Corruption of Liberal and Socialist Democracy, 84 Fordham Law Review 2453-2476. (PJ164)

Manent,Pierre (2014), The Crisis of Liberalism, 25(1) Journal of Democracy 131-141. (LJ170)


Week 6: Western Democraciesin Comparison: Europe Experience

Ewing,KD (2015), The Death of Social Europe, 26(1) King’s Law Jounal 76-98. (PJ199)

Foa,Roberto Stefan and Yascha Mounk (2016), The Danger of Deconsolidation- TheDemocratic Disconnect, 27(3) Journal of Democracy 5-17. (PJ187)

Foa,Roberto Stefan and Yascha Mounk (2017), The Signs of Deconsolidation, 28(1) Journalof Democracy 5-15. (PJ197).

Ford,Robert and Matthew Goodwin (2017), Britain after Brexit: A Nation Divided, Journalof Democracy, Vol.28, No.1, pp.17-30. (PJ)

Fukuyama, Francis (2015), Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution tothe Globalization of Democracy (New York: Farrer, Straus and Giroux). (PB)

Puppas,Takis S. (2016), The Specter Haunting Europe: Distinguishing LiberalDemocracy’s Challengers, Journal of Democracy, Vol.27, No.4, pp. 22-36. (LJ2844)

Punder,Hermann (2015), More Government with the People: The Crisis of RepresentativeDemocracy and Options for Reform in Germany, 16(4) German Law Journal 713-739. (LJ2700)


Week7: Non Western Paradigm: Grey ZoneDemocracies inComparison

Beek, Ursulavan (2015), Democracy Compared- Complexities and Values, Taiwan Journal of Democracy, Vol.11, No.1, pp.1-16. (PJ118)

Diamond, Larry (2016), In Search of Democracy (New York: Routledge). (PB)

Levitsky,Steven and Lucan Way (2015), The Myth of Democratic Recession, Journal of Democracy, Vol.26, No.1, pp. 141-155. (LJ2488)

MØller, JØrgenand Svend-Erik Skaaning (2013), The Third Wave: Inside the Numbers, 24(4) Journal of Democracy 97-109. (LJ2489)

Pop-Eleches, Grigore and Graeme B. Robertson (2015), Structural Conditionsand Democratization, 26(3) Journal ofDemocracy 144-156. (PJ178)

Youngs,Richard (2015), Exploring “Non-Western Democracy,” 26(4) Journal of Democracy 140-154. (PJ175)

Youngs,Richard (2015), The Puzzle of Non-WesternDemocracy (Washington D.C.: Carnegie, Endowment for InternationalPeace)(PB, part)(pp.11-27)

Wang, Zhengxu and Ern Ser Tan(2013), The Conundrum of Authoritarian Resiliency- Hybrid and NondemocraticRegimes in East Asia, 9(1)Taiwan Journalof Democracy, 199-219. (PJ99)


Week8: Anti-Western Paradigm:Authoritarian Regimes inComparison

Cooley, Alexander (2015),Authoritarianism Goes Global- Countering Democratic Norms, Journalof Democracy, Vol.26,No.3, pp. 49-63. (PJ117)

Corroles,Javier, Daniel Kimmage, Joshua Kurlantzick, Perry Link, Abbas Milani and RashedRahman (2009), Undermining Democracy:Strategies and Methods of 21st Century Authoritarians, Washington DC:Freedom House, pp.1-80. (PJ226)

Fukuyama, Francis (2013), Democracy and the Quality of the State, 24(4) Journal of Democracy 5-16. (PJ169)

Hale, HenryE. (2016), 25 Years after the USSR: What’s Gone Wrong? 27(3) Journal of Democracy 24-35. (PJ188)

Krastev,Ivan (2011), Paradoxes of the New Authoritarianism, 22 (2) Journal ofDemocracy 5-16. (PJ70)

Lynch, Marc(2015), After the Arab Spring- How the Media Trashed the Transitions, 26(4) Journalof Democracy 90-99. (PJ139)

Pop-Eleches, Grigore and Graeme B. Robertson (2015), Structural Conditionsand Democratization, 26(3) Journal ofDemocracy 144-156. (PJ178)

Way,Lucan (2016), The Authoritarian Threat- Weakness of Autocracy Promotion, 27(1) Journal of Democracy 64-75. (LJ2740)

Walker,Christopher (2016), The Authoritarian Threat- The Hijacking of “Soft Power,”27(1) Journal of Democracy 49-63.(LJ2742)

Walker, Christopher (2016), Dealing with theAuthoritarian Resurgence, in Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and ChristopherWalker eds., Authoritarianism GoesGlobal- The Challenge to Democracy, Baltimore, Maryland: Johns HopkinsUniversity Press, pp. 216-233. (PB)

Whitehead, Laurence(2014), Antidemocracy Promotion: Four Strategies in Search of a Framework, Taiwan Journal of Democracy,Vol. 10, No.2: 1-24. (PJ136)


Part III State Governance andPolitical Institute in Comparison

Week 9: StateGovernance in the Global Age

Diamond, Larry (2008), The Democratic Rollback-TheResurgence of the Predatory State, ForeignAffairs, Vol.87, No.2, pp. 36-48. (PJ133)

Fukuyama, Francis (2013), Democracy and the Quality of the State, 24(4) Journal of Democracy 5-16. (PJ169)

Fukuyama, Francis (2015), Why Democracy Is Performing So Poorly, 26(1) Journal of Democracy 11-20. (PJ 191)

Plattner,Marc F. (2013), Reflections on “Governance,” 24(4) Journal of Democracy 17-28.(PJ168)


Week 10:Good Governance in Comparison

Goebel, Christian(2016), The Quest for Good Governance: Taiwan’s Fight against Corruption, 27(1)Journal of Democracy 124-138.(LJ2728)

Hale, HenryE. (2016), 25 Years after the USSR: What’s Gone Wrong? 27(3) Journal of Democracy 24-35. (PJ188)

Mungiu-Pippidi,Alina (2016), The Quest of Good Governance: Learning from Virtuous Circles,27(1) Journal of Democracy 95-110.(PJ153)


Week 11: PoliticalInstitution in Comparison (I)

Casto,William R. (2012), If Men Were Angels, 35(2) Harv. J. of Law and Public Policy, 663-670. (LJ1524)

Steven G. Calabresi and Kyle Bady (2010), Is the Separation of PowersExportable? 33 Harvard Journal of Law Public Policy 5-16. (LJ1048)


Week 12: Political Institution inComparison (II)

Ginsburg,Tom (2008), Judicialization of Administrative Governance: Causes, Consequencesand Limits, 3 National Taiwan UniversityLaw Review 1-29. (LJ1002)

Hirschl,Ran (2006), The New Constitutionalism and the Judicialization of Pure PoliticsWorldwide, 75 Fordham Law Review,721-754. (LJ1014)

Hirschl, Ran(2010), The Judicialization of Politics, in Keith E. Whittington, R. DanielKelemen, and Gregory A. Caldeira eds., TheOxford Handbook of Law and Politics (pp.119-141), New York: OxfordUniversity Press.

Miguel Schor(2008), Mapping Comparative Judicial Review, 7 Washington U. Global Studies L. Rev. 257-287. (LJ1189)


Week 13: Government System in Comparison

Juan J. Linz (2010), “The Perils ofPresidentialism,” in Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Philip J. Costopoulos(eds.), Debates on Democratization(Baltimore,Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press), pp.255-272.

Juan J. Linz (2010), “The Virtues ofParliamentarism,” in Larry Diamond, Marc F. Plattner, and Philip J. Costopoulos(eds.), Debates on Democratization(Baltimore,Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press), pp.284-291.


Part IV Geopolitics,Political Culture, Change, and Norm in Comparison

Week14: Geopolitics in Comparison

Hale, HenryE. (2016), 25 Years after the USSR: What’s Gone Wrong? 27(3) Journal of Democracy 24-35. (PJ188)

Kagan,Robert (2015), The Weight of Geopolitics, 26(1) Journal of Democracy21-31. (PJ179)

Levitsky, Stevenand Lucan Way (2014), External Influence and Democratization: Structure vs.Choice, Journal of Democracy, Vol.25, No.4, pp.151-156. (PJ172)

Nodia, Ghia(2014), External Influence and Democratization- The Revenge of Geopolitics, Journalof Democracy, Vol.25, No.4, pp.139-150. (PJ116)

Walker,Scott (2011), Does Forced Democratization Work? Taiwan Journal of Democracy,Vol. 7, No. 1: 73-94. (PJ47)


Week15: Political Culture in Comparison

Fukuyama,Francis (2012), China and East Asian Democracy- The Patterns of History, Journalof Democracy, Vol. 23, No.1, pp. 14-26. (PJ73)

Fukuyama, Francis (2015), PoliticalOrder and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalizationof Democracy (New York: Farrer, Straus and Giroux). (PB)

Fukuyama, Francis (2015), Why Democracy Is Performing So Poorly, 26(1) Journal of Democracy 11-20. (PJ 191)

Hale, HenryE. (2016), 25 Years after the USSR: What’s Gone Wrong? 27(3) Journal of Democracy 24-35. (PJ188)

Mungiu-Pippidi,Alina (2016), The Quest of Good Governance: Learning from Virtuous Circles,27(1) Journal of Democracy 95-110.(PJ153)


Week 16: PoliticalChange in Comparison

Chander,Anupam (2012), Jasmine Revolutions, 97 CornellLaw Review 1505-1531. (LJ1885) (Facebook issue)

Lynch, Marc(2015), After the Arab Spring- How the Media Trashed the Transitions, 26(4) Journalof Democracy 90-99. (PJ139)

Stephan,Afred and Juan J. Linz (2013), Democratization Theory and the “Arab Spring,”24(2) Journal of Democracy 15-30.(LJ2109)


Week17: Constitutionalism in Comparison

Chang, Wen Chen (2008), East AsianFoundations for Constitutionalism: Three Models Reconstructed, National Taiwan University Law Review,3(2): 111-141

Chang, Wen Chen(2009), An Isolated Nation with Global-minded Citizens: Bottom-up TransnationalConstitutionalism in Taiwan, 4(3) NationalTaiwan University Law Review 203-235. (LJ1848)

Chang, Wen Chen(2011), The Convergence of Constitutions and International Human Rights: Taiwanand South Korea in Comparison, 36 NorthCarolina J. of Int’l L. and Commercial Regulation 593-624. (LJ1657)

Chen, Wen Cheng and Shirley ChiChu (2016), Taking Global ConstitutionalismSeriously: A Framework for Discourse, NationalTaiwan University Law Review, Vol.11, No.2, pp. 383-427.

Tushnet,Mark (2015), Authoritarian Constitutionalism, Cornell Law Review, Vol.100, pp. 391-461. (LJ2484) (cf LJ2633)



Week 18: Concluding Discussion and Feedback

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