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開課序號 1547 課程學制
科目代碼 ENC1112 課程名稱 城市文學專題
英文名稱 Seminar on Urban Literature
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 英語系(碩)碩博合開
課程簡介 This course highlights the interaction between urban space and the representations of urban specificities in the context of postmodern/postcolonial discourses. It is designed to help students better understand such concepts as the city, space, and the flâneur. It is hoped that through a perusal of critical theories and in-depth textual practice, students have a thorough grasp of important issues in urban studies. The course organization will include three interrelated parts. First, we will begin with perusing critical discourses concerning the concept of the city, the configuration of space in the city, and the role the flâneur plays in the formation of urban landscape. Secondly, the course will include a theoretical application of the above discourses to several novels and films. We will discuss the relations among urban narratives, cultural production, and representation. It is hoped that through a training of dialectical thinking, students can understand how the representations of urban lives and cultural production reflect off the heterogeneous spaces overlooked as well as how the urban representation provides a site of ideological wrestling. Thirdly, students are also required to study a set of significant key terms often encountered in urban studies. Equipped with a sound knowledge of urban studies, students are expected to synthesize the three parts and explore the interaction between urban narratives and contemporary cultural products.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. To explore and investigate how urban lives and urban representations inflect with the output of cultural production and reflect off the heterogeneous spaces overlooked. 碩士:
 1-1 具備深化專業知識範疇及其學術研究之能力
 1-2 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能
 2-3 具有運用多媒體及資訊科技之能力
 3-1 具國際觀,能融合多元觀點、尊重不同意見,並能肯定自我
 3-2 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
 4-2 具備人文素養,實踐社會關懷精神
2. To unravel how urban representations and configurations provide the specific sites of ideological wrestling. 碩士:
 1-1 具備深化專業知識範疇及其學術研究之能力
 3-1 具國際觀,能融合多元觀點、尊重不同意見,並能肯定自我
 3-2 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
 4-1 能明辨是非、以身作則,遵守專業倫理
 4-2 具備人文素養,實踐社會關懷精神
3. To critique and reevaluate the aesthetics and politics of urban representations by exploring the nuanced interaction between urban narratives and contemporary cultural products. 碩士:
 1-1 具備深化專業知識範疇及其學術研究之能力
 1-2 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能
 2-1 能有效運用英語於專業領域及相關職場上的溝通
 3-1 具國際觀,能融合多元觀點、尊重不同意見,並能肯定自我
 3-2 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
 4-2 具備人文素養,實踐社會關懷精神

授課教師 蘇榕

Textbooks &course organization: 

Atentative syllabus based on the reference listed below will be distributed inthe first class meeting and may be slightly revised after discussing with thestudents.







Gottdiener, M. and Leslie Budd.  Key Concepts in Urban Studies.


Sassen, Saskia. “Introduction: Whose City Is It? Globalization and the Formation of New Claims.”  Globalization and Its Contents. 

Dirty Pretty Thing


Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Man of the Crowd.”

Baudelaire, Charles. “The Painter of Modern Life.” The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays.  chapter 1


Benjamin, Walter. “The Flaneur.” Charles Baudelaire: A Lyrical Poet in the Era of High Modernism.


Jenks, Chris.  “Watching Your Step: The History and Practice of the Flâneur.”  Visual Culture.


Georg Simmel, “Metropolis and Mental Life.” Simmel on Culture and other essays.


de Certeau, Michel. “Walking in the City.”

The Practice of Everyday Life 


Lively, Penelope. City of the Mind.


Lively, Penelope. City of the Mind.


Kureishi, Hanif. The Buddha of Suburbia.


Kureishi, Hanif. The Buddha of Suburbia.


Eileen Chang. “Love in a Fallen City”


Chu Tien-hsin. The Ancient Capital


Pai Hsien-yung. Taipei People


The Production of Space


Final paper proposal presentation


Individual Conference

Final paper Due: July 10

Teaching method:

Thecourse will be run as a seminar combined with lectures.

Grading Policy:attendance, participation, oral presentations 40%

mid-term 30% :(a one-two page proposal of your final paper)

              final paper 30% : (awell-organized scholarly paper; the ideal length of the paper will be 10-15 ppfor MA students and 15-20pp for PhD students)
方式 說明
實地考察、參訪 Field trip including visiting galleries, urban historical sights, etc.
媒體融入教學 Multi-media teaching resources may be used.
方式 百分比 說明
課堂討論參與 15 %  
出席 5 %  
報告 20 % 課堂口頭報告Regular in-class oral presentations
專題 40 % 期末報告 a well-organized scholarly paper; the ideal length of the paper will be 10-15 pp for MA students and 15-20pp for PhD students
其他 20 % 期末論文大綱報告 a one-two page proposal of your final paper
參考書目 ReferenceBenjamin,Walter. Trans. HarryZohn. Illuminations. NewYork:SchockenBooks,1968.

___. CharlesBaudelaire:ALyricPoetintheEraofHighCapitalism. Trans. HarryZohn. 1976. London&NewYork:Verso,1989.

___.TheArcadesProject. Trans. HowardEiland&KevinMcLaughlin. Cambridge,MA.&London,England:TheBelknapPofHarvardUP,1999.

Baudelaire,Charles. ThePainterofModernLifeandOtherEssays. Trans. JonathanMayne. 1964. London:Phaidon,1995.


Chaney,David. “AuthenticityandSuburbia.” ImaginedCities:Scripts,Signs,Memories. Eds. SallieWestwood&JohnWilliams. London&NewYork:Routledge,1997. 140-51.


deCerteau,Michel. ThePracticeofEverydayLife. Berkeley,CA:UofCaliforniaP,1984.

Foucault,Michel. “Space,PowerandKnowledge.” TheCulturalStudiesReader. Ed. SimonDuring. London:Routledge,1993.161-69. 

___. “OfOtherSpaces.” Diacrtics 16.1 (Spring1986):22-27.

___. “Governmentality.” TheFoucaultEffect:StudiesinGovernmentality. Eds. GrahamBurchell,ColinGordon&PeterMiller. GreatBritain:TheUofChicagoP,1991. 87-104.

Frisby,David&MikeFeatherstone,ed. SimmelonCulture:SelectedWritings. London:SagePub.,1997.

Gottdiener,M.andLeslieBudd. KeyConceptsinUrbanStudies.London:SAGEpub.,2005.

Harvey,David. “ReinventingGeography.” NewLeftReview4(July/August2000):75-97.

Jenks,Chris.“WatchingYourStep:TheHistoryandPracticeoftheFlâneur.”VisualCutlure. Ed.ChrisJenks. London&NewYork:Routledge,1995.142-60.

___. AspectsofUrbanCulture. Taipei,Taiwan:IEAS,Academia,Sinica,2000.

___,ed. UrbanCulture:CriticalConceptsinLiteraryandCulturalStudies. LondonandNewYork:Routledge,2004.4vols.

Kureishi,Hanif. TheBuddhaofSuburbia. 1990. London:Faber&Faber,1999.

Kureishi,Hanif. “MySontheFanatic.” ThePost-ColonialQuestion:CommonSkies,DividedHorizons. Eds. IainChambers&LidiaCurti. London&NewYork:Routledge,1996. 234-41.

Lively,Penelope. CityoftheMind. NewYork:HarperCollins,1991.

Malouf,David&PaulCarter. “SpatialHistory.” TextualPractice 3(1989):173-83.

Nair,RukminiBhaya&RimliBhattacharya. “SalmanRushdie:TheMigrantintheMetropolis.” BeyondtheRushdieAffair. Ed.DonF.Miller. Spe.issueofThirdText 11(Summer1990):17-30.


Pieterse,JanNederveen. “GlobalizationandHumanIntegration:WeAreAllMigrants.” Futures 32(2000):385-98.

Poe,EdgarAllan. “TheManoftheCrowd.” TalesandSketches. Eds.ThomasO.Mabbott,EleanorD.Kewer,andMaureenC.Mabbott.  Urbana:UofIllinoisP,2000. 388-396.

Sassen,Saskia. GlobalizationandItsDiscontents. NewYork:TheNewPress,1998.

Shields,Robs. “FancyFootwork:WalterBenjamin’sNotesonFlânerie.” TheFlâneur. Ed. KeithTester. London&NewYork:Routledge,1994. 61-80.

___. TheGlobalCity:NewYork,London,Tokyo. Princeton:PrincetonUP,2001.

Soja,EdwardW. Thirdspace:JourneystoLosAngelesandOtherReal-And-ImaginedPlaces. Cambridge,MA.:BlackwellPub.,1996.

Tester,Keith. TheFlâneur. Ed. KeithTester. London&NewYork:Routledge,1994. 

Tonkiss,Fran. Space,theCity,andSocialTheory:SocialRelationsandUrbanForms. Cambridge,UK:Polity,2005.

Williams,Raymond.TheCountyandTheCity. NewYork:OxfordUP,1975. 

___. Keywords:AVocabularyofCultureandSociety. Rev.ed. NewYork:OxfordUP,1983.

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