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開課序號 1534 課程學制
科目代碼 ENM2026 課程名稱 言談分析
英文名稱 Discourse Analysis
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 英語系(碩)
課程簡介 The course is designed to fulfill two primary goals. First, it is aims to introduce to students key concepts in discourse and conversation analysis. Second, it aims to provide a survey of state-of-the-art survey in discourse and conversation analysis, focusing in the interaction between discourse and on-line construction of meaning. Readings will include both studies of Chinese discourse and discourse in English and other languages.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. to introduce to students key concepts in discourse and conversation analysis 碩士:
 1-2 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能
2. to provide a survey of state-of-the-art survey in discourse and conversation analysis 碩士:
 1-2 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能

授課教師 張妙霞

Discourse Analysis: Fall 2017

Instructor: Miao-Hsia Chang

Course Objective:

The analysis of discourse is the analysis of language in use. Discourse analysis attempts to study the organization of language above the sentence or above the clause, and therefore to study larger linguistic units, such as conversational exchanges or written texts. Discussion in class focuses both on basic ideas in discourse analysis (e.g. Cohesion/coherence and conversation structure) and current trends in discourse analysis, including corpus and discourse analysis, emergent view of discourse analysis, discourse and syntax, multimodal analysis, and genre and register in discourse analysis.







*What is discourse analysis?


Cohesion, Coherence and Information Structure


Moon festival. No class!


Corpus and Discourse

*Gray and Biber (2011)

Tao (2015)


Tao and Thompson 2010

*Chang and Hsieh (2017)


Conversation analysis

*Levinson 1983 (p.294-332; 339-369)


Huang 2013


Smith 2017

Liu&Liu 2017


Dialogic Syntax

*Du Bois (2013)


More on Dialogic Syntax

Data session


Data session


Genre, Register and Discourse

Lim&Hong 2012

Zhang et al. (2017)


Multimodal analysis

*Jones (2012)


Wang et al. 2013

Wei Wang 2016


Raymond 2017

Clift 2017


Discussion of term papers


Discussion of term papers

  1. Participation, attendance and presentation of assigned readings (30%)
  2. Term paper (50%)
  3. Data session: 20%
方式 說明
講述法 課堂講述
討論法 教師學生互動討論
合作學習 學生互動討論
實驗/實作 語料分析
媒體融入教學 影片語言分析
專題研究 語料分析及期末報告
其他 課堂報告及參與度
方式 百分比 說明
作業 20 %  
課堂討論參與 5 %  
出席 5 %  
報告 10 %  
專題 50 %  

Englebretson, Robert. 2007. Stancetaking in discourse: An introduction. In: Stancetaking in Discourse: Subjectivity, Evaluation, Interaction, ed. by Robert Englebretson, 1-26. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Chen, Kan and Hongyin Tao. 2014. The rise of a high transitivity marker 到 dao in contemporary Chinese: Co-evolvement of language and society. CLD 5.1:25-52.

Gray, Bethany and Douglas Biber. 2011. Corpus approaches to discourse. In: Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis, Chapter 9, ed. by Ken Hyland and and Brian Paltridge. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.

He, Agnes Weiyun. 2011. The role of repair in modulating modal stances in Chinese discourse. CLD 2.1: 1-22.

Hsiao, C.-H., & Su, Lily I.-W. 2010. Metaphor and hyperbolic expressions of emotion in Mandarin Chinese conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 42.5: 1380-1396.

Huang, Shuanfan. 2013. Chinese Grammar at Work. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Jiang, Haowen. 2013. Appearances are not skin deep: On the status of de yangzi as an inferential marker in colloquial Mandarin discourse. CLD 4.1: 35-73.

Lee, Jee Won. 2010. Systematic repetition of the first person singular pronoun wo in Mandarin conversation: Negotiation of conflicting stance in interaction. CLD 1.2: 183-219.

Levinson, Stephen C.  1983.  Pragmatics.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lim, Ni-Eng and Huaqing Hong. 2012. Intensifiers as stance markers: A corpus study on genre variations. CLD 3.2: 129-166.

Liu, Feng-hsi. 2011. The bei passive and its discourse motivation. CLD 2.2: 198-231.

Liu, Meichun and Chia-yin Hu. 2014. Free alternation?: A study on grammatical packaging of excessive predication in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 14.1: 47-90.

Luke, K. K. and Wei Zhang. 2010. Insertion as a self-repair device and its interactional motivations in Chinese conversation. CLD 1.2: 153-182.

Luke, K. K. 2012. Dislocation or afterthought?-A conversation analytic account of incremental sentences in Chinese. Discourse Processes 49.3-4: 338-365.

McCarthy, Michael. 1991. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sardinha, Tony Berber. 2012. An assessment of metaphor retrieval methods. In: Metaphor in Context, ed. By Fiona MacArthur, Jose Luis Oncins-Martínez, Manuel Sánchez-García and Ana María Piquer-Píriz, 21-50. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins.íá

Su, Lily I-wen. 2002. What can metaphors tell us about culture? Language and Linguistics 3.3: 589-613.

Sun, Chaofen. 2014. The pragmatics of the Chinese nominal marker de 的: 我的爸爸 “my dad” versus 我爸爸 “my dad”. CLD 5.1: 7-24.

Tao, Hongyin. 2003. Toward an emergent view of lexical semantics. Language and Linguistics 4.4:837-856.

Thompson, Sandra A. and Hongyin Tao. 2010. Conversation, grammar, and fixedness: Adjectives in Mandarin revisited. CLD 1.1: 25-52.

Wang, Yu-Fang, Tsai Mei-Chi, Wayne Schams and Chi-Ming Yang. 2013. Restrictiveness, exclusivity, adversativity, and mirativity: Mandarin Chinese zhishi as an affective diminutive marker in spoken discourse. CLD 4.2: 181-228.

Xu, Yi. A corpus-based functional study of shi…de constructions. Chinese Language and Discourse 5.2: 146-184.

宋作豔. 2014. 漢英事件強迫之比較研究. Language and Linguistics 15.2: 199-229.

陶紅印. 2003. 從語音、語法和話語特徵看”知道”格式在談話中的演化. 《中國語文》4:291-302.




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