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開課序號 1759 課程學制
科目代碼 ENU0291 課程名稱 英國文學:中古時期至十八世紀(一)
英文名稱 English Literature: Medieval Period to the Eighteenth Century (I)
全/半年 必/選修 必修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2 小時
開課系級 英語系(學)2年級甲班
課程簡介 The purpose of this two-semester course is to introduce students to a sample of writing in English from the Medieval period up to the eighteenth century. This semester we shall be studying literature from the time of Chaucer to the early seventeenth century. The ideas or themes we shall be considering include: gender, sexuality, political and familial bonds, voice and vision, religion, mutability and flattery. Historical context is provided in the seminars but students will need to be doing their own background reading if they are to be successful in their work. Students are advised to bring English-Chinese dictionaries to class and to keep a notebook in which to add new vocabulary.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. to introduce students to the range of writing in English from the Medieval period up to the eighteenth century 學士:
 1-2 具備主要英語國家語言、文學的歷史、社會與文化背景之知識
 1-4 具備賞析不同時期英美文學作品之能力並認識各種文學理論
 2-3 能應用相關專業知識幫助他人提升英語能力
 2-6 能運用英語系專業擷取新知,加以整合創新及運用
 3-1 具有開放的胸襟,在學習外語的過程中培養本地與全球視野
 3-2 具有國際觀,能融合多元觀點、尊重不同意見,並能肯定自我
 3-3 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
 3-4 具有美學欣賞能力及人文素養情操

授課教師 狄亞倫

Dr. Aaron Deveson


Email: aaron.c.deveson@gmail.com


Office: 721 (office hours by appointment)


 The purpose of this two-semester course is to introduce students to a sample of writing in English from the Medieval period up to the eighteenth century. This semester we shall be studying literature from the time of Chaucer to the early seventeenth century. The ideas or themes we shall be considering this semester include: gender, sexuality, selfhood and autonomy, religion, mutability, empire, and overreaching.



Historical context is provided in the seminars but students will need to be doing their own background reading if they are to be successful in their work. Students are advised to bring English-Chinese dictionaries to class and to keep a notebook in which to add new vocabulary.



SCHEDULE (may be affected by Taiwanese holidays)


Orientation. Historical and cultural background to Chaucer and the medieval period


Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales, The Miller’s Tale

(If you choose to read a translation, remember that you will need to recognize features in the original when it comes to the midterm exam!)


Chaucer: wider literary context, including The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale




Background to (English) Renaissance, Reformation, and Elizabethan England; Marlowe: Doctor Faustus

WEEKS 8-11

Marlowe: Doctor Faustus


Post-Petrarchanism (Wyatt); the English sonnet (Sidney); introduction to Shakespeare the poet


WEEK 13-14

Shakespeare’s Sonnets

WEEKS 15-16

John Donne: Songs and Sonnets





Texts covered in spring semester (“Colonies and Commonwealths”): Shakespeare’s The Tempest; several works by Andrew Marvell and John Milton; and Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko.



方式 說明
方式 百分比 說明
其他 100 % Grading Policy (New Weighting) Midterm: 25% Practical criticism-style essay responses to extract(s) Final: 60% Part I Practical criticism-style essay responses to extract(s) Part II Medium-length essay response to one question Presentation: 15% Each student will be required to give a three-minute powerpoint presentation on one or more of the following: the life and/or works of an author on the course, a text or passage, and a historical/political/cultural context. The powerpoint presentation must be sent to the instructor by the day of the presentation. Any material taken from books or websites must be properly acknowledged. Originality will be rewarded. (Please use quotation marks where appropriate and do not wait until the final screen to reveal sources.) You will be rewarded for clarifying complex ideas in original language. (You may provide Chinese translations of difficult key terms.)

Text: The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vol. 1.



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