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開課序號 1308 課程學制
科目代碼 ETM0001 課程名稱 歐洲文化史
英文名稱 History of European Cultures
全/半年 必/選修 必修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 歐文所(碩)
課程簡介 This is a survey course touching on many aspects of Europe (history, geography, literature, philosophy, politics, law, medicine, cooking, sports, etc.), from the earliest beginnings to the present and in all locations.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Increase the students’ familiarity and interest in the most significant European contributions to world civilization 碩士:
 1-1 深入瞭解多元歐洲文化及其現況
 1-2 具備多元文化與跨領域整合之相關知識
 1-3 具備多國語言展開跨文化研究與溝通能力
 3-1 具備深入探討歐洲文化之學術能力
 4-1 樂於嘗試、體會不同文化之生活方式
 4-2 具有包容、尊重、欣賞多元文化之胸襟
 4-3 具有美學欣賞能力及社會關懷精神
2. prepare students for in-depth study of other matters related to European cultures studied in the school’s Program 碩士:
 2-3 具備良好的職業道德與優質之專業素養
 3-1 具備深入探討歐洲文化之學術能力
 3-3 具備宏觀之國際視野和兼容並蓄之人文素養

授課教師 路狄諾
     1.      Europe: the story of an idea

2.      The essential others; Hebrew and Early Greek civilizations

3.      The Greek and Hellenistic Civilizations

4.      The Roman World; early Christianity

5.      Rome’s heirs: the Byzantine, Islamic and Western Medieval Worlds

6.      The High Middle Ages (1050-1300)

7.      The Late Middle Ages (1300-1500)

8.      The civilization of the Renaissance

9.      Mutations and crises: the age of discovery, the protestant reformation

10. The early modern societies; the age of absolutism (1660-1789)

11. The scientific revolution and the enlightenment

12. The French revolution, the industrial revolution

13. Reactions: urbanization, liberalism, nationalism, mass society (1800-1870)

14. Imperialism, colonialism, anxiety (1870-1914)

15. War, revolution, modernism

16. Turmoil and a second war

17. The postwar years

      18.Europe today: new questions, new challenges
方式 說明
方式 百分比 說明
出席 30 % This includes in-class quizzes.
其他 80 % 40% Final oral presentation-40% Journals, reading reports, email questions/comments on reading materials
參考書目 Primary source:

Coffin, Judith & al. Western Civilizations Their History & Their Culture. Norton. 2011

A portfolio of essential readings covering literary, political, historical and philosophical texts is distributed via Moodle to students with a view to further illustrate the course. Several feature films are also assigned for screening.

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