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開課序號 1123 課程學制
科目代碼 GCM0093 課程名稱 媒體訊息設計
英文名稱 Media Message Design
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 圖傳系(碩)1年級
課程簡介 This course discusses the various aspects of message design, such as theoretical foundations, message design procedures, and evaluations. Lecturing, group discussions, exams, and oral presentations may be employed to achieve the objectives of the course.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Increase knowledge about theoretical foundations of visual message design. 碩士:
 1-2 具有圖文傳播企劃之知能、瞭解當代影像傳播研究中的重要理論工具之能力
2. Develop skills in analyzing, designing, producing, implementing and evaluating media message design. 碩士:
 3-2 養成包容多元藝術形式的胸襟、發揮創意,展現圖文傳播新契機之能力
3. Apply visual message design principles and concepts to graphic arts communication through the development of a project.  

授課教師 楊美雪

2.Vision and Perception
3.Theoretical foundations
4.Purposes of Media Message Design (I):Instructional message design
5.Purposes of Media Message Design (II): Entertaining message design
6.Purposes of Media Message Design (III):Propagandist message design
7.Purposes of Media Message Design (IV):Informational message design
8.Purposes of Media Message Design (V): Advertising message design
9.Presentation design (I): Attention
10.Presentation design (II): Simple
11.Presentation design (III):Unexpected
12.Presentation design (IV):Concrete
13.Presentation design (V):Credible
14.Presentation design (VI): Emotional
15.Presentation design (VII): Stories

方式 說明
講述法 教師依主題講述
討論法 依照主題參與討論
合作學習 小組作業需小組分工合作
實驗/實作 依企劃完成媒體作品
實地考察、參訪 視課程需要安排校外參觀學習
其他 視課程需要邀請校外人士演講分享
方式 百分比 說明
作業 75 % 含兩次期中作業(各占15%,共占30%)、期末作業企劃(20%)、期末媒體成品(30%)
課堂討論參與 5 % 積極參與課堂討論
出席 20 % 準時到課




Dabner, D. ; Zempol, E. &Stewart, S. (2014). Graphic DesignSchool: The Principles and Practice of Graphic Design (5th ed.).Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Dirksen,J.(2016). Design for How People Learn(2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA:Julie Dirksen.

Evergreen,S. D. H. (2016). Effective DataVisualization: The Right Chart for the Right Data. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fleming, M. & Levie, W. H.(1993). Instructional message design:Principles from the behavioral and cognitive sciences. (2nd ed.). EnglewoodCliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Grabowski, B. (2010). Messagedesign: Issues and trends. In Anglin, G. (ed.), Instructional technology: Past, present and future (3rded.) pp. 222-232. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

Coates, K.& Ellison, A. m(2014).An Introduction to Information Design. London, UK: Laurance King Publishing.

Jowett, G. (2012). Propaganda and persuasion (5thed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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