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開課序號 1814 課程學制
科目代碼 HIU0167 課程名稱 西洋現代史(一)
英文名稱 Contemporary History of Western World (I)
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2 小時
開課系級 歷史系(學)
課程簡介 中文課程簡介:二十世紀是人類歷史上最璀璨輝煌、也是最血腥灰暗的年代。科技與科學的進步造就史無前例的繁榮與便利,卻也帶來大規模的殺戮與毀滅。在文化與社會層面,二十世紀見證了大眾社會的到來,在平等價值得到落實的同時,躁動與紛亂似乎也成為社會常態。在思想層面,前所未有的知識進展並未增長人們的自信與抱負:相對主義、後現代主義在二十世紀的盛行,反映了時代的焦慮與不確定感。最後,無數天才與梟雄的誕生與殞落,又為這個世紀增添戲劇色彩。本課程的目的在於探討,是甚麼樣的動力驅使西方社會在一個世紀間經歷如此劇烈而廣泛的災難與變革?是甚麼樣的歷史脈絡、事件與人物造就了這個「極端的年代」?透過二十世紀西洋史的研讀,本課程希望同學們能更具歷史感的看待過去與現在,並以更廣闊的胸襟認識台灣與台灣以外的世界。 本課程由授課老師主講,輔以七堂討論課(當周的第二堂課),期待提供同學自我表達、公共發言與論辯的練習機會。此外,本課程亦希望培養學生解讀英文文獻之能力,因此,學生須在七次討論課前閱讀約20-30頁的英文文獻,並撰寫相關作業。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Students will be enabled to understand the impact of the various factors in historical developments 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀
2. Students will become aware of both, the productive and destructive character of Western High Modernity 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀
3. Students will become aware of the interrelations between political, economic, social and cultural forces 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀

授課教師 陶克思

9/11   Introduction: A Eurocentric World – A Europe of Diversity

9/18   Societal Developments

9/25   Imperial Domination

10/02  Mass Exodus to the New World

10/09  停課 

10/16  Isolationism and Great Power Ambition  

10/23  “A War that Nobody Really Wanted”?

10/30  World War I: “The Great Seminal Catastrophe of This Century”

11/06  Russian Revolution

11/13  Peace Settlements and Revisionism  

11/20  Imperial Revival and Retreat

11/27  Modern Times and New Orders

12/04  Economic Recovery and Great Depression

12/11  Fascism and Anti-Fascism

12/18  Reluctant Interventionism

12/25  World War II: Occupation, Resistance and Genocide

01/01  停課

01/08  期末考


方式 說明
講述法 Teacher will introduce the core content of each historical phase
討論法 Each session will conclude with a time slot for concluding remarks from both teacher and students
問題解決教學 Students will be encouraged to raise questions on both, content and language levels, and will have the chance to contribute to the solutions
合作學習 Students will be working together on selected sources and documents
方式 百分比 說明
期末考 35 % Written exam about the core content of the course
課堂討論參與 20 % Active participation in class
出席 10 % Attendance rate in class
報告 35 % Individual presentation on targeted assignment; the content of the presentation has to be handed in as a 1000 word written text in English within two weeks after the presentation!

Bulliet, Richard W. (ed.), The Columbia History of the Twentieth Century, New York 2000 (Main Library 7F, 909.82 B874)


Cooper, Frederick/ Stoler, Ann Laura (eds.), Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World, Berkeley 1997 (Main Library 7F, 909.8 C785)


Evans, Richard J., The Pursuit of Power: Europe, 1815-1914, London 2017 (History Department Branch Library)


Eksteins, Modris, Rites of Spring. The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age, Boston 1989 (Main Library 7F, 909.82 Ek78)


Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Empire, 1875-1914, London 1987 (Original Version, Main Library 7F、English Department Branch,909.81 H653; Traditional Chinese version 《帝國的年代,1875-1914》, Main Library 7F; History Department Branch Library; Linkou Branch, 910.8 831.1 V.13)


Hobsbawm, Eric J., The Age of Extremes, 1914-1991, New York 1996 (Main Library 7F, 909.82 H653)


Howard, Michael/ Louis, William R. (eds.), The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century, Oxford 2002 (Main Library 7F, 909.82 H835-2)


Jackson, Julian (ed.), Europe 1900-1945, Oxford 2002 (History Department Branch Library)


Jarausch, Konrad, Out of Ashes. A New History of Europe in the Twentieth Century, Princeton 2015 (Main Library 7F, 940.5 J28)


Keylor, William R., The Twentieth-century World: An International History, Oxford 2001 (Main Library’s 2nd Repository, 909.82 K521, 3rd ed., online request needed)


Maier, Charles S., Recasting Bourgeois Europe: Stabilization in France, Germany, and Italy in the Decade after World War I, Princeton 1975 (Main Library 7F, 940.5 M281)


Mazower, Mark, Dark Continent: Europe's 20th Century, London 1998

(Traditional Chinese version,《新黑暗大陸:從文明的曙光到21世紀歐洲》Main Library 7F, Fine Art Department Branch Library, 940.28 665 365)


Merriman, John, A History of Modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the Present, New York 1996 (Main Library 7F, 940.21 M552, 3rd ed. 2010)


Palmer, Robert R./ Colton, Joel/ Kramer, Lloyd, A History of the Modern World, 9th ed., New York 2002 (Main Library 7F, 909 P182, 9th ed.)


Ponting, Clive, Progress and Barbarism: The World in the Twentieth Century, London 1998 (Available in Korean translation)


Wall, Richard/ Winter, Jay (eds.), The Upheaval of War: Family, Work and Welfare in Europe, 1914-1918, Cambridge 1988  (Main Library’s 2nd Repository, 940.316 W154)

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