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開課序號 1825 課程學制
科目代碼 HIU0255 課程名稱 德國史(一)
英文名稱 History of Germany (I)
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2 小時
開課系級 歷史系(學)
課程簡介 中文課程簡介: 從本世紀初法國大革命的影響到世紀末統一德國的帝國雄圖,這門課要介紹十九世紀德國主要的政治、經濟、社會和文化發展。這段期間內種種對立力量的拉扯: 民族運動的盛行與三十多個邦聯的破碎狀態、拿破崙戰爭後的復闢與自由主義的興起、革命與反革命、普魯士及奧地利的爭霸、資本主義經濟與工人運動興起等,皆在這段德國歷史中,扮演了重要的角色。用英文授課!
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Students will be enabled to understand impact of the various factors in historical developments 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀
2. Students will become aware of the transformative character of the 19th century for modern Germany 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀
3. Students will become aware of the interrelations between political, economic, social and cultural forces 學士:
 1-1 具備歷史專業知識
 1-2 資料蒐集與解讀之能力
 2-2 文史相關議題之闡述能力
 3-1 獨立思考與解決問題的知能
 3-2 溝通表達與學術討論
 4-1 具備人文精神與世界觀

授課教師 陶克思

9/12   Introduction: Germany in the Late 18th Century

9/19   Repercussions of the French Revolution

9/26   Germany under Napoleon& Reforms from Above

10/03  Rulers, States and Identities in a Changing Society

10/10  停課

10/17  Development of Political Life& Revolution 1848

10/24  Counter-Revolution, Failure and the Age of Reaction

10/31  Industrialisation, Migration, Urbanisation - Change of the Social Structure

11/07  Culture of Progress; Religion and Doubts

11/14  The Process of Unification

11/21  Germany under Bismarck

11/28  The New Economic Order

12/05  Wilhelmine Germany

12/12  Culture, Revolt and Anti-Modernism

12/19  Women in the Empire

12/26  The German Empire in Transnational Perspective

01/02  The Road to War

01/09  期末考


方式 說明
講述法 Teacher will introduce the core content of each historical phase
討論法 Each session will conclude with a time slot for concluding remarks from both teacher and students
問題解決教學 Students will be encouraged to raise questions on both, content and language levels, and will have the chance to contribute to the solutions
合作學習 Students will be working together on selected sources and documents
方式 百分比 說明
期末考 35 % Written exam about the core content of the course
課堂討論參與 20 % Active participation in class
出席 10 % Attendance rate in class
報告 35 % Individual presentation on targeted assignment; the content of the presentation has to be handed in as a 1000 word written text in English within two weeks after the presentation!

Berghahn, Volker R., Imperial Germany, 1871-1918: Economy, Society, Culture, and Politics, Oxford 1994 (Main Library 7F, 943.083 B453)


Blackbourn, David, History of Germany, 1780-1918. The Long    Nineteenth Century, Oxford 2003 (History Department Branch Library)


Blackbourn, David/ Eley, Geoff, The Peculiarities of German History: Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany, Oxford 1984 [Online Resource, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/ntnulib/detail.action?docID=10464136; need to access after logging into the NTNU library online system]


Breuilly, John, Nineteen-century Germany : politics, culture, and society 1780-1918, London 2001 (History Department Branch Library)


Chickering, Roger (ed.), Imperial Germany: A Historiographical Companion, Westport (CT), 1996


Craig, Gordon A., Germany, 1866-1945, Oxford 1980 (Main Library 7F,943.08 C844, 3rd. ed., 2006)


Eley, Geoff/ Retallack, James (eds.), Wilhelminism and Its Legacies. German Modernities, Imperialism, and the Meanings of Reform, 1890-1930, New York/Oxford 2003


Fulbrook, Mary,  A History of Germany 1918-2014: The Divided Nation, Chichester 2014 (History Department Branch Library)


Kitchen, Martin, A history of modern Germany, 1800-2000, Chichester 2011 (Main Library 7F, 943.08 K647)


Müller, Sven Oliver/ Torp, Cornelius (eds.), Imperial Germany revisited: continuing debates and new perspectives, New York 2011


Nipperdey, Thomas, Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck, 1800-1866, Princeton 1996


Retallack, James (ed.), Imperial Germany 1871-1918, Oxford/New York 2008 [Online Resource, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/ntnulib/detail.action?docID=10237133, need to access after logging into the NTNU library online system]


Scheck, Raffael, Germany, 1871-1945. A Concise History, Oxford 2008

(History Department Branch Library)


Sperber, Jonathan (ed.), Germany, 1800-1870, Oxford 2004


Walser Smith, Helmut (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History , Oxford 2011

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