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開課序號 1361 課程學制
科目代碼 IWM0055 課程名稱 國際人力資源管理研究
英文名稱 Studies in International Human Resource Management
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 人資所(碩)1年級
課程簡介 I. The course illustrates how successful human resource management must function in a competitive world. In particular, International Human Resource Management (IHRM) activities are placed in a global context, known differently from those conducted locally. It can be seen such as: 1. The composition of multi-cultural management teams, human resource policies and practices are globally operated; 2. Organizations utilizing their operations into social contexts with which they are unfamiliar or new; 3. Employees from different cultural backgrounds working together; 4. Managing expatriates with an emphasis on staff recruitment for international assignments, expat-preparation, re-entry training, and development are more complex than local businesses. II. Packed with current examples that reflect the vibrancy of the international business field, this course offers a managerial approach that keeps an emphasis on international employment, compensation and benefits, talent management and repatriation from multi-cultural perspective. Among them, a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of international deployment as well as current trends in IHRM will be addressed. After completion of this course, students shall be able: 1. To recognize the complexity & challenges of managing in multicultural and international contexts. 2. To understand the impact of culture on work and human resource management. 3. To communicate effectively on international human resource management issues. 4. To address and apply conceptual issues related to implementation of international human resource management.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Understand the implications of changes in the global organization of firms and the international workforce for HRM policy-making. 碩士:
 1-1 具備全球化人力資源思維。
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 2-1 具備組織人力徵、選、育、用、留、展專業技能
2. Have a detailed understanding of the key analytical concepts and models in international HRM. 碩士:
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 2-1 具備組織人力徵、選、育、用、留、展專業技能
 3-1 具備發展人力資源專業熱忱
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
3. Articulate the principal comparisons of the business and human resource systems in local and global contexts.in local and global contexts. 碩士:
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 2-1 具備組織人力徵、選、育、用、留、展專業技能
 3-1 具備發展人力資源專業熱忱
 3-2 具備組織協同創新之特質
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
 4-1 具備職業誠信與守法精神
4. Assess the different approaches to and strategies for HRM in international business activities, and their impact on employees. 碩士:
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 2-1 具備組織人力徵、選、育、用、留、展專業技能
 3-1 具備發展人力資源專業熱忱
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
 4-1 具備職業誠信與守法精神

授課教師 鄭道有


方式 說明
講述法 1. The course is designed to be both theoretical and experiential. 2. Important issues and trends in IHRM will be introduced.
討論法 Students will discuss related issues and trends introduced by the instructor and research topics presented by fellow students.
合作學習 Small teams will be established at the start of the semester to help facilitate case study and experience team work dynamics.
專題研究 Students will carry out a research project relating to a current problem or implication in IHRM.
方式 百分比 說明
期中考 20 % 1. Students are required to take the written test in-class. 2. The mid-term exam will cover material for the first half of the class in details and important concepts from the first half of the class.
期末考 30 % Students are required to present the project orally in class and submit the completed written research report at the end of semester.
課堂討論參與 20 % Students are encouraged to actively participate in class discussions to enrich the learning.
出席 10 % Attendance is required.
報告 20 % Students are required to introduce and present assigned cases in class.

Tarique, I., Briscoe, D.R. and Schuler. R.S. (2016). International Human Resource ManagementPolicies and Practices for Multinational Enterprise (5e), Oxford: Routledge.

Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. and Wright, P.M. (2016). Human Resource Management, Gaining a competitive advantage (9e), New York: McGraw- Hill.


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