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開課序號 0527 課程學制
科目代碼 SPC0075 課程名稱 資源方案設計與實務專題研究
英文名稱 Special Topics on Design and Practice for Resource Programs
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 特教系(碩)碩博合開
課程簡介 本課程旨在瞭解資源方案之內涵、發展與趨勢,並探討各級學校資源方案及資源教師之角色與功能以及各類資源方案設計與實施問題。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 探討資源方案之內涵、發展與趨勢 碩士:
 1-4 能進行特殊教育相關資源之整合與專業合作
 1-4 能進行特殊教育相關資源之整合與專業合作
2. 探討各級學校資源方案及資源教師之角色與功能 碩士:
 2-8 具備策劃及執行特教專題研究之能力
 3-3 能發掘問題並發展問題解決策略
 4-1 能遵守專業倫理並具有敬業精神與態度
 2-8 具備策劃及執行特教專題研究之能力
 3-3 能發掘問題並發展問題解決策略
3. 探討各類資源方案設計與實施問題 碩士:
 2-7 能將知識概念應用於實務表現
 3-3 能發掘問題並發展問題解決策略
 2-7 能將知識概念應用於實務表現
 3-3 能發掘問題並發展問題解決策略

授課教師 張蓓莉


   週次  課程內容

 1  課程介紹


2  特殊教育學生安置的轉變
           Dunn (1968) ; Hodkinson ( 2010); Ryan (2009)

       Norwich (2008); Wedell (2008)       

 3  融合教育中學生的學習與適應

Cook & Cameron ( 2010);  Kalymonet al., ( 2010) ;

Frederickson ( 2010),  張蓓莉(2009

         4  放假    

 5  資源方案的緣起與理念 Harris & Schultz,( 1990), ch.1,

        張蓓莉(1998;  Harris & Schultz ( 1990) , ch.2-3 
6  台灣各縣市特殊教育資源中心 (特殊教育的資源與支援,2007


         7  資源方案與學校組織  Harris & Schultz ( 1990) , Ch.4-5;  Voltz & Collins (2010) 

 8  資源方案之服務對象   Wiederholt, et al., (1993) Ch.8;

 9  資源教師的角色:評量與教學   Wiederholt, et al., (1993) Ch. 4 

Musson et al., (2010) 

10  資源教師與合作教學

蔡淑微 (2008) ;  周怡婷(2006; Scruggs, et al., (2007)

11  資源教師的角色:
合作諮詢  Dettmer, et al., (2009) Ch.1

12  資源教師角色踐行與養成 

朱盈潔 ((2007)Stang & Lyons (2008) 

Simonsen, et al. (2010)


13  資源方案的行政運作:空間、設備、人事、經費、行事曆、工作內容與分工
     Wiederholt, et al., (1993) Ch.7 & 9

14  資源教師與其他相關專業人員的溝通與互動  

Dettmer, et al., (2009) Ch.2 ;  Matzen,et al., (2010)

15  大專高中職資源方案,林惠玲(2008), Zhang, et al., (2010)

16  資源方案評鑑

      Cushing, et al., (2009)  莊麗貞(2007),陳姿君 (2007),

17  期末報告

方式 說明
方式 百分比 說明
作業 30 % 閱讀作業
課堂討論參與 30 %  
報告 40 % 期末報告
參考書目 朱盈潔(2007台北縣國民中小學資源班初任教師工作困擾與專業發展需求之研究國立台





陳姿君 (2007) 南投縣國民教育階段不分類資源班巡迴輔導實施方案滿意度之研究。國立彰化師範大學特殊教育研究所碩士論文。未發表。




Cook, B.G. & Cameron, D.L. (2010).  Inclusive teachers concern and rejection toward their students.  Remedial and Special Education, 31(2), 4, 67-76.

Cushing, L.S., Carter, E.W., Clark, N., Wallis, T., & Kennedy, C.H. (2009).  Evaluating inclusive educational practices for students with severe disabilities using the program quality measurement tool.  The Journal of Special Education, 42(4), 195-208.

Dettmer, P. et al., (2009).  Collaboration, consultation, and teamwork for students with
        special needs
.  Boston: Ally & Bacon.
Dunn, L.M. (1968).  Special education for the mildly retarded is much of it justifiable? 
, 35, 5-22.

Frederickson, N. (2010).  Bullying or befriending? Choldrens responses to classmates with special needs.  British Journal of Special Education, 37(1), 4-12.

Harris, W.J. & Schultz, (1990).  The special education resource program.
   London: Merrill Publishing Company.

Hodkinson, A. (2010).  Inclusive and special education in English educational system: historical perspectives, recent developments and future challenges.  British Journal of Special Education, 37(2), 61-68.

Kalymon, K., Gettinger, M. & Hanley-Maxwell, C.  (2010).  Middle school boys perspectives on school relationships with peers with disabilities.  Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 305-316.

Matzen, K., Ryndak, D. & Nakao, T.  (2010).  Middle school teams increasing access to general education for students with significant disabilities.  Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 287-304. 

Musson, J. E., Thomas, M.K., Towles-Reeves, E. & Kearns, J.F. (2010).  An analysis of state alternate assessment participation guidelines.  Journal of Special Education, 44(2), 67-78.

Norwich, B. (2008).  What future for special schools and inclusion? Conceptual and professional perspectives.  British Journal of Special Education, 35(3), 136-143.

Ryan, D. (2009).  Inclusion is more than a place: exploring pupil views and voice in Belfast schools through visual narrative.  British Journal of Special Education, 36(2), 77-84.

Scruggs, T. E., Mastropieri, M. A. & Mcduffie, K. A. (2007).  Co-teaching in inclusive classrooms: a metasynthesis of qualitative research.  Exceptional Children, 73(4), 392-416.

Simonsen, B., Shaw, S.F., Aggella-Luby, M., Sugai, G., Coyne, M.D., Rhein, B., Madaus, J.W. & Alfano, M. (2010).  A School wide model for services delivery.  Remedial and Special Education, 31(1), 17-23.

Stang, K. & Lyons, B. M. (2008).  Effects of modeling collaborative teaching for pre-service teachers.

    Teacher Education and special Education, 31(3), 182-194.

Voltz, D. L. & Collins, L. (2010).  Preparing special education administrators for inclusion in diverse standards-based contexts: beyond the council for exceptional children and interstate school leaders licensure consortium.  Teacher Education and special Education, 33(1), 70-82.

Wedell, K. (2008).  Confusion about inclusion: patching up or system change? British Journal of Special Education, 35(3), 127-135.

Wielderholt, J. L., Hammill, D. D., & Brown, V.G. (1993).  The resource Program.  TX: Austin: Pro-ed.

Zhang, D., Landmark, L., Reber, A., Hsu, H.Y., Kwok, O., & Benz, M. (2010).  University faculty knowledge, beliefs and practices in providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities.  Remedial and Special Education, 31(4), 276-286.

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