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開課序號 1372 課程學制
科目代碼 SYC0028 課程名稱 憲政主義理論體系專題研究
英文名稱 Special Topics on Constitutionalism
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2 小時
開課系級 政治所(碩)碩博合開
課程簡介 憲政主義理論體系專題研究〉係以探究憲政主義在歷史發展過程中的不同類型,包括其理論內涵與主要制度,藉以有系統地掌握憲政主義之架構。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 探究古典憲政主義之理論基礎與結構內涵,並理解各次體系間之相互關連性為基礎 碩士:
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。
2. 掌握古典憲政主義之典範轉移情形,包括轉型憲政主義(transitional constitutionalism)、跨國憲政主義(transnational constitutionalism)與世界憲政主義(world constitutionalism)或全球憲政主義(global constitutionalism)等 碩士:
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。
3. 培養學生宏觀掌握憲政主義理論體系之全貌與變遷,達到見樹又見林之目標。 碩士:
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。
 1-1 能瞭解政治學研究之本質以及能理解、運用政治學方法論及研究方法的發展與技術,並能進行獨立研究。
 2-1 具備政治學的研究與教學能力,特別是集中於比較政治、國際政治與國家發展的課題部份。

授課教師 陳文政

Week 1: Introduction; thetrend of Constitutionalism

Week 2: Debates onConstitutionalism

A Framework for Understanding theConstitutionalism

Week 3: Rationales ofClassical Constitutionalism


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Week 4: The Structural Systemof Classical Constitutionalism


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Rana, Aziz (2015),Constitutionalism and the Foundations of Security State, 103 California Law Review 335-385. (LJ2555)(LJ2626)

Week 5: The ConstitutiveSystem of Classical Constitutionalism-

TheEstablishment of a Limited Government


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Rana, Aziz (2015),Constitutionalism and the Foundations of Security State, 103 California Law Review 335-385. (LJ2555)(LJ2626)

Week6: The Strategic Systemof Classical Constitutionalism-

Adhering to the Ruleof Law (I)


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Rijpkema, Peter (2013), The Rule of Law beyondThick and Thin, 32 Law and Philosophy 73-816.(LJ2665)

Week7: The Strategic System of ClassicalConstitutionalism-

 Adhering to the Rule of Law (II)


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Rosenfeld, Michel (2001), The Rule of Law and theLegitimacy of Constitutional Democracy, 74 SouthernCalifornia Law Review 1307-1351. (LJ. 275)

Week8: The Objective Systemof Classical Constitutionalism-

Protecting HumanRights (I)


陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162

Law,David (2008), Globalization and the Future of Constitutional Rights, 102 Northwestern University Law Review 1277-1349.(LJ876)

Week9: The Objective Systemof Classical Constitutionalism-

Protecting HumanRights (II)


Kenney,Cortelyou C. (2015), Measuring Transnational Human Rights, 84 Fordham Law Review 1053-1115. (LJ2674)

Week10: The Challenges of Classical Constitutionalism(I)- Authoritarianism


Tushnet, Mark (2015),Authoritarian Constitutionalism, CornellLaw Review, Vol.100, pp. 391-461.(LJ2484)

Silverstein, Gordon (2015), Singapores Constitutionalism: A Model, but of What Sort?,100 Cornell Law Review Online 1-23. (LJ2633)

Week11: The Challenges of ClassicalConstitutionalism (I)- Globalization


Lupo-Pasini,Federico and Ross P. Buckley (2015), Global Systemic Risk and InternationalRegulatory Coordination: Squaring Sovereignty and Financial Stability, 30(4) American University International Law Review665-714. (LJ2691)

Lee,Fredrick J. (2010), Global Institutional Choice, 85 New York U. L. Rev. 328-357. (LJ1093)

Gutterman,Ellen (2012), What Is at Stake in the Global Constitutionalism Debate? 14 Int’l Studies Rev. 182-184. (LJ1622)

Week12: TheParadigmatic Shift of ClassicalConstitutionalism-



Yeh, Jiunn-Rong &Wen-Chen Chang (2009), The Changing Landscape of Modern Constitutionalism:Transitional Perspective, 4 NationalTaiwan University Law Review 146-183. (LJ1003)


Week 13: TheParadigmatic Shift of ClassicalConstitutionalism-

    Transnational Constitutionalism


Chang,Wen Chen (2008), East Asian Foundations for Constitutionalism: Three ModelsReconstructed, National Taiwan UniversityLaw Review, Vol.3, No.2, pp.111-141.

DeLombaerde, Philippe and Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez (2015), InternationalRegionalism and National Constitutions: A Jurimetric Assessment, 24 Journal of Transnational 23-64. (LJ2647)

Week 14:TheParadigmatic Shift of ClassicalConstitutionalism-

GlobalConstitutionalism (I)



Week 15: TheParadigmatic Shift of ClassicalConstitutionalism-




Patterson, Dennis (2015), Cosmopolitanism andGlobal Legal Regime, 67 RutgersUniversity Law Review 7-17. (LJ2606)

Week 16: TheParadigmatic Shift of ClassicalConstitutionalism-



Perju,Vlad (2013), Cosmopolitanism in Constitutional law, 35 Cardozo Law Review 711-768. (LJ2679)

Chen, Wen Cheng and Shirley Chi Chu (2016), TakingGlobal Constitutionalism Seriously: A Framework for Discourse, NationalTaiwan University Law Review (TSSCI), Vol.11, No.2, pp. 383-427.

Week 17: The Future of Constitutionalism


Timothy K. Kuhner (2016), The Corruption of Liberaland Socialist Democracy, 84 Fordham L.Rev. 2453-2476. (PJ164)

RobertoStefan Foa and Yascha Mounk (2016), The Danger of Deconsolidation- TheDemocratic Disconnect, 27(3) Journal of Democracy5-17. (PJ187)

Week 18: Conclusion- Evaluation and Feedback

方式 說明
講述法 教師講述憲政主義不同類型之發展與內涵,並說明其理論體系之脈絡。
討論法 討論憲政主義典範變遷可能面對之各種議題與政策意涵
問題解決教學 提出憲政主義典範變遷所產生之問題,由師生共同思考解決問題之可能方法與可能面臨之困難。
媒體融入教學 適時利用媒體資訊與資料庫文獻進行解說並引導討論。
方式 百分比 說明
作業 20 % 依據指定閱讀文獻撰寫研讀報告進行形成性評量
課堂討論參與 20 % 從課堂討論參與情形了解學習者之學習態度
出席 10 % 藉由出席課程參與課程討論
報告 50 % 期末繳交符合學術規範之學期報告

Chang, WenChen (2008), East Asian Foundations for Constitutionalism: Three ModelsReconstructed, National Taiwan UniversityLaw Review, Vol.3, No.2, pp.111-141.

Chang,Wen-Chen (2009), An Isolated Nation with Global-minded Citizens: Bottom-upTransnational Constitutionalism in Taiwan, 4(3) N. T. U. L. Rev. 203-235. (LJ1848)

Chang,Wen-Chen (2011), The Convergence of Constitutions and International HumanRights: Taiwan and South Korea in Comparison, 36 North Carolina J. of Int’l L. and Commercial Regulation 593-624.(LJ1657)

Chen, Wen Cheng and Shirley Chi Chu (2016), TakingGlobal Constitutionalism Seriously: A Framework for Discourse, NationalTaiwan University Law Review (TSSCI), Vol.11, No.2, pp.383-427.

De Lombaerde, Philippe and Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez (2015),International Regionalism and National Constitutions: A Jurimetric Assessment,24 Journal of Transnational 23-64. (LJ2647)

Donnelly,Tom (2009), Popular Constitutionalism, Civil Education, and the Stories We TellOur Children, 118 The Yale Law Journal948-1001. (LJ811)

Gutterman,Ellen (2012), What Is at Stake in the Global Constitutionalism Debate? 14 Int’l Studies Rev. 182-184. (LJ1622)

Kenney,Cortelyou C. (2015), Measuring Transnational Human Rights, 84 Fordham Law Review 1053-1115. (LJ2674)

Law, David (2008), Globalization and the Future ofConstitutional Rights, 102 NorthwesternUniversity Law Review 1277-1349. (LJ876)

Lee,Fredrick J. (2010), Global Institutional Choice, 85 New York U. L. Rev. 328-357. (LJ1093)

Lupo-Pasini,Federico and Ross P. Buckley (2015), Global Systemic Risk and InternationalRegulatory Coordination: Squaring Sovereignty and Financial Stability, 30(4) American University International Law Review665-714. (LJ2691)

Patterson, Dennis (2015), Cosmopolitanism and Global Legal Regime, 67 Rutgers University Law Review 7-17. (LJ2606)

Perju, Vlad (2013), Cosmopolitanism in Constitutional law, 35 Cardozo Law Review 711-768. (LJ2679)

Rana,Aziz (2015), Constitutionalism and the Foundations of Security State, 103 California Law Review 335-385. (LJ2555)(LJ2626)

Rijpkema, Peter (2013), The Rule of Law beyondThick and Thin, 32 Law and Philosophy 73-816.(LJ2665)

Foa, RobertoStefan and Yascha Mounk (2016), The Danger of Deconsolidation- The DemocraticDisconnect, 27(3) Journal of Democracy5-17. (PJ187)

Rosenfeld, Michel (2001), The Rule of Law and the Legitimacy ofConstitutional Democracy, 74 SouthernCalifornia Law Review 1307-1351. (LJ. 275)

Kuhner, Timothy K. (2016), The Corruption of Liberal and SocialistDemocracy, 84 Fordham L. Rev. 2453-2476. (PJ164)

Tushnet, Mark (2015), AuthoritarianConstitutionalism, Cornell Law Review,Vol.100, pp. 391-461. (LJ2484)

Silverstein, Gordon (2015), Singapore’sConstitutionalism: A Model, but of What Sort?, 100 Cornell Law Review Online 1-23. (LJ2633)

Yeh,Jiunn-Rong (2009), The Emergence of Asian Constitutionalism: Features inComparison, 4(3) National Taiwan University Law Review 39-53. (LJ1140)

Yeh,Jiunn-Rong & Wen-Chen Chang (2009), The Changing Landscape of ModernConstitutionalism: Transitional Perspective, 4 National Taiwan University Law Review 146-183. (LJ1003)

陳文政(2006),〈憲政主義結構內涵之體系分析〉,《師大政治論叢》,第6期,頁 47-162



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