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開課序號 1581 課程學制
科目代碼 TIC0035 課程名稱 翻譯與全球化
英文名稱 Translation and Globalization
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系級 翻譯所(碩)碩博合開
課程簡介 This course requires a research paper, 8-10 pages in length (roughly 5000 words in English or 8000 words in Chinese), typed with footnotes and a bibliography using the MLA style. Submit TWO typed copies, the original and a photocopy. The original will be returned with comments; the copy will be retained by the instructor. If only one copy of your paper is received, it will be graded but not returned.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
3. 翻譯理論與全球化 碩士:
 3-1 相關理論涉獵
 3-2 獨立研究能力
 3-3 開創議題
 3-4 嚴謹思維與批判能力
4. 全球化對翻譯的影響 碩士:
 4-1 相關領域知識之涉獵
 4-2 連結翻譯議題
 4-3 跨領域、跨文化視野
 4-4 提昇翻譯價值

授課教師 李根芳

#1  Introduction


#2   “Globalization:An Overview,” Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White in Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. I, pp. 1-44.


#3  “Disjunctureand difference in the global cultural economy,” Arjun Appadurai in Globalization: Critical Concepts inSociology, vol. I, pp. 251-264;


#4  Translation in the Global Village ed.Christina Schäffner, Vlevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2000.


#5  “Redefiningtranslation in a global age,” Susan Bassnett in Translation, pp. 125-45; “Globalization,” Lawrence Venuti in The Scandals of Translation, pp. 158-89.


#6  “Introduction” in Globalization and Translation, pp. 1-7; “The Translation Age:Translation, Technology, and the New Instrumentalism” Michael Cronin in The Translation Studies Reader 3rdEd. pp: 469-482.


#7  “The Terrorist Threat: World Risk Society Revisited,” Ulrich Beck et. al., in Readings in Globalization: Key Concepts and Major Debates, pp. 260-87.


**proposalsubmission: one page in length with a working title, brief description of yourtopic, methodology, and bibliography


#8  “Metalanguageof Localization: Theory and Practice,” Iwona Mazur; “Translationand Multilingual Mnitoring,” Mathieu Guidere in Globalization and Aspects of Translation, pp. 43-52.


#9   “Globalization and the Politics of Translation Studies,” Anthony Pym, Meta51/4, 2006. 744-757; “Training Conference Interpreters in a Globalized World,”Garry Mullender in Globalization andAspects of Translation, pp. 36-42.  


#10 individual proposal discussion


#11  “How sushi went global,” Theordore C.Bestor & “McDonald’s in Hong Kong,” James L. Watson in The Globalization Reader, pp. 121-5, 126-134.


#12 張夏準 《富國的糖衣:揭穿自由貿易的真相》(BadSamaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism


#13  “‘Globalization,’Culture, and the University” Masao Miyoshi in The Cultures of Globalization, Eds. Fredric Jameson & MasaoMiyoshi, Durham:Duke UP, 1998. 247-270; “Preserving Educational Values,” Derek Bok in Universities in the Marketplace, pp.157-84.


#14  “The Global Talent Contest,” “Cosmopolitan and Rich” PhilippeLegrain in Immigrants: Your Country NeedsThem, pp. 89-132




#16 “Translating into English,” Gayatri Spivak in An Aesthetic Education inthe Era of Globalization; “Translation and World Literature: Love in theNecropolis” David Damrosch in TranslationStudies Reader


#17  Filmscreening & Discussion,  “The World Is Flat”  “Life and Debt”

#18  term paper due




方式 說明
講述法 講解相關專門術語及學術研究取徑
討論法 同學報告發表心得看法
專題研究 必須選擇與翻譯相關主題進行深入探討
方式 百分比 說明
作業 30 % 翻譯作業與每週回應短文
課堂討論參與 20 % 口頭報告 與 討論
報告 50 % 期末報告

Grading: class participation: 20%, pre-course comments/feedback and presentation 30%, term paper 50%

Requirements: submit a 300-word comments and/or feedback of the article we read in each class

Term Paper: This course requires a research paper, 8-10 pages in length (roughly 5000 words in English or 8000 words in Chinese), typed with footnotes and a bibliography using the MLA style. Submit TWO typed copies, the original and a photocopy. The original will be returned with comments; the copy will be retained by the instructor. If only one copy of your paper is received, it will be graded but not returned.





http://muse.jhu.edu/books/9780271053530 (Can Globalization Promote Human Rights? PDF files)

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. Modernity at Large. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P.

Bauman, Zygmunt. 1998. Globalization: The Human Consequences. NY: Columbia UP.

Cronin, Michael. 2003. Translation and Globalization. London: Routledge.

Lechner, Frank J. & John Boli. Eds. 2008. The Globalization Reader. 3rd Ed. London: Blackwell.

Robertson, Roland & Kathleen E. White. Eds. 2003. Globalization: Critical Concepts in Sociology, vol. I-VI. London: Routledge.


Traces 5: Universities in Translation: The Mental Labour of Globalization (Traces: A Multilingual Series of Cultural Theory and Translation) Brett De Ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP, 2010. 


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