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開課序號 0965 課程學制
科目代碼 06UG004 課程名稱 星星月亮太陽-天文漫談
英文名稱 Introduction to Astronomy
全/半年 必/選修 通識
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2 小時
開課系級 通識
領域類別 97-105入學:科學與生命 ;106-108入學:科學與生命
課程簡介 天文學是一個不分國界、文化的古老科學,同時也是現今世界上發展最快的學門之一。這樣的特性,不但使得天文學所醞釀出來的知識與智慧(如天/星象、計時、曆法)生根於各民族的文化、歷史之中,天文學上的研究成果及新發現也在二十一世紀的今天,幾乎成為最常出現在媒體的科學報導。天文學不止因為藉由望遠鏡而能開拓我們對宇宙認知的視野,它同時試著要回答一些基本但卻重要的問題:包含從生命的起源到宇宙的起源。因此天文學可以是激發現代公民培養科學素養的一個起點。
課程目標 對應基本素養
1. 本課程將提供一般大學生了解現代科學家對宇宙的認知,以及現在的天文成果是如何發展而來的;使學生在以現代的眼光認識宇宙外,並能進而體會到科學的應用不應只侷限於地球上,浩瀚的宇宙提供了更多檢驗地球科學、物理、化學、乃至探索生命起源的實驗場所。 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作
 2 多元文化與國際視野
 3 批判反思與人文涵養
 5 科學思辨與資訊素養
 6 主動探究與終身學習

授課教師 橋本康弘

Astronomy is an ancient science that crosses all borders and all culture through history. It is also in the world of today, one of the fastest growing topics of research.

The evolution of Astronomy is taking its sources from a cultural and historical knowledge from the past (Astrology, astronomical events calendar…)

However Astronomy is now very much anchored in the twenty-first century. Discoveries in Astronomy make regularly the front page of the scientific newspapers. Observing the sky through telescopes can shed light on our understanding of astrophysics but also bring answers to the most fundamental questions: what are the origin of life and the Universe. Modern astronomy is a fascinating way for citizens to approach science in general. This course will provide students for a general understanding of Astronomy and introduce them to the most recent scientific developments. This course will bring the students to appreciate that the application of modern science are confined to the earth but also to the vastness of the Universe, and that the Universe is a great laboratory for our understanding of physics, chemistry and even a place to explore the origin of life.

方式 說明
講述法 Handouts will be distributed at the start of the semester. Online materials will be distributed over Moodle system. Recent discovery or events (eclipses, meteoroid showers, …) will be discussed in real time.
媒體融入教學 Professional astronomical pictures, movies and other hypermedia support will be provided
其他 Online lectures (including the extra two week lectures will be provided on the Moodle systems and will be incorporated into the exam. Homeworks and exams will be distributed/conducted through the Moodle system for 108-2.
方式 百分比 說明
作業 40 % Two assignments will be given in parallel of the lectures. Questions are related to the class and will help the students understanding the class.
期中考 30 % Mid-term exam will be based on the topics discussed in class, with an overlap with the questions developed in homework.
期末考 30 % Final exam will be based on the topics discussed in class, with an overlap with the questions developed in homework.

There is no textbook associated to this lecture, as handouts for the whole semester will be made available to the students. However several books are recommended for complementary information:

• R. A. Freedman & W. J. Kaufmann: Universe (WH Freeman and Comp.)

• N. F. Comins & W. J. Kaufmann: Discovering the Universe (WH Freeman and Comp.)

• B. W. Carroll & D. A. Ostlie: Introduction to Modern Astrophysics (Addison-Wesley)

• H. Karttunen, P. Kröger, H. Oja, M. Poutanen & K.J. Donner: Fundamental Astronomy (Springer)

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