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科目代碼 04UG022 課程名稱 流行文化與亞際溝通
英文名稱 Popular Culture and Inter-Asia Dialogues
全/半年 必/選修 通識
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
領域類別 歷史與文化
課程簡介 This course introduces the concept of “inter-Asia” and its associated practices in connection with popular culture production, circulation, consumption, and meaning making in the regional and global contexts. Each week we will discuss a case study in which “inter-Asia” communication has been enabled. The case studies cannot encompass all of the dynamic interactions that take place in constructing and questioning “Asia.” The studies selected here, written by various “local” researchers in Asia, are meant to urge critical, creative, and empathetic thinking beyond economic globalization and cultural nationalism.
課程目標 對應基本素養
1. 發現流行文化的跨國、跨區域、與跨社群動員力。 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作
 6 主動探究與終身學習
2. 發展去國族的亞際思維與意識。 學士:
 2 多元文化與國際視野
3. 拓展自我作為亞際社會中的主體行動,譬如透過翻譯、論述、參與、社交、創作、連結、組織等嘗試 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作