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科目代碼 06UG034 課程名稱 客庄產業中的科學
英文名稱 Science of Industry in Hakka Villages
全/半年 必/選修 通識
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
領域類別 科學與生命
課程簡介 This course is conducted entirely in Hakka. In recent years, in an effort to assist in the development of distinctive features in the industries of Hakka communities, the Hakka Affairs Council has partnered with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, aiming to identify new values in these industries. It's evident that scientific knowledge and thinking have a significant impact on the innovation and revitalization of culture and industries. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the unique culture of the Hakka ethnic group in Taiwan from north to south, as well as the industries in Hakka communities. It also explores the types of scientific applications used in these cultural activities and industries. Simultaneously, it encourages students to think about whether existing scientific methods can be used to innovate and discover new aspects of these cultural activities or industries. We hope that, while gaining an understanding of Hakka culture and industries, students will use scientific thinking to propose new ideas for culture and industries, thus sparking new value in the interplay between tradition and innovation. Throughout the course, there will be opportunities to invite local artisans of Hakka descent to share their local culture.
課程目標 對應基本素養
1. 建立對產業相關產品的科學知識 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作
2. 了解及欣賞各地的客家產業 學士:
 4 美感體驗與品味生活
3. 提出利用科學方式創新其產業價值的方式,分組選定主題後再各自發揮。 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作