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科目代碼 0HUG407 課程名稱 英文(中英翻譯理論與技巧)
英文名稱 English : English-Chinese Translation Theory and Practice
全/半年 必/選修 通識
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
領域類別 一般通識
課程簡介 Objectives: This course is intended to help the students improve their ability of translating English into Chinese and vice versa. Students taking this course motivated to learn the techniques necessary for translating different kinds of English writings, such as anecdotes, essays, short stories, newsstories, poems, and so on, into fluent Chinese and vice versa with practical theories of translation, for example, the “Theory of Fidelity, Flency, and Elegance” of Yen Fu(嚴復之「信,達,雅」)Whatever subject matters are to be assigned to them to deal with, the students will be guided and encouraged to form a habit of translating them with clarity, brevity, fluency, and accuracy in style. Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to be confident and competent translators of both languages.
課程目標 對應基本素養
1. to help the students improve their ability of translating English into Chinese and vice versa 學士:
 1 溝通表達與團隊合作
 2 多元文化與國際視野
2. to learn the techniques necessary for translating different kinds of English writings 學士:
 5 科學思辨與資訊素養
3. to be confident and competent translators of both languages 學士:
 3 批判反思與人文涵養
 6 主動探究與終身學習
 8 社會關懷與公民實踐