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科目代碼 BAU0014 課程名稱 網路行銷
英文名稱 Internet Marketing
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
先修課程 ◎必須先修過【BAU0021 行銷管理】
課程簡介 This course aims to introduce you to the most current tactics, applications, and trends in internet marketing. In so doing, you will finish the course with a general understanding of how companies are currently using the internet as part of their marketing plans and develop the specific skills necessary for carrying out those internet marketing plans or effectively evaluating the projects of others. In this course, students will learn theory and practitioner tools to be used in real campaigns. Therefore, the course will cover critical theoretical concepts, including: (1) Internet marketing in context, (2) Internet marketing environment, (3) Internet marketing strategy, and (4) Internet marketing management. This course also covers valuable tactics used by companies, including: (1) social media marketing techniques, (2) search engine marketing and search engine optimization techniques, (3) web creation and web analytics techniques, (4) other digital marketing-related techniques, and (5) NFT-related techniques. There are two exams, a project presentation, and four in-class assignments throughout the course. The course combines theory and practice in a way that is useful to those aiming to increase their technical training and those seeking to expand their professional knowledge backgrounds. Students will complete the course with a comprehensive knowledge of and realistic experiences with how to develop an integrated internet marketing plan from formulation to implementation.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Recognize and demonstrate important Internet marketing-related concepts, theories, and contexts 學士:
 1-1 1.1 Able to identify relevant issues
2. Apply what they have learned in this course to an Internet marketing problem faced by a real company. 學士:
 6-2 6.2 Students will demonstrate their ability to employ analytical approaches for business tasks
3. Explore and practice the latest digital technologies 學士:
 6-1 6.1 Students will demonstrate their ability to comprehend the core knowledge in the concentrating management areas: Marketing, Finance, and Strategy
4. Develop, evaluate, and execute a comprehensive Internet marketing plan 學士:
 6-3 6.3 Students will demonstrate their ability to understand the business analysis findings and make appropriate business recommendations