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科目代碼 BAU0015 課程名稱 金融市場與機構管理
英文名稱 Financial Market and Institutions
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 本課程介紹金融市場運作,以及當前金融機構管理之相關議題。除了基礎理論問題,也包涵實務面的由物聯網衍生的金融科技革命,例如,行動支付,機器人理財,無人銀行,金融演算等。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 國內金融市場與機構管理趨勢 學士:
 3-1 3.1 Able to demonstrate general business knowledge with global perspectives
2. 世界國內金融市場與機構管理趨勢 學士:
 4-1 4.1 Able to recognize ethical dilemmas in the business context
 4-2 4.2 Able to acknowledge the impact of ethical issues in the business context
3. 重要問題的掌握 學士:
 6-1 6.1 Students will demonstrate their ability to comprehend the core knowledge in the concentrating management areas: Marketing, Finance, and Strategy
 6-2 6.2 Students will demonstrate their ability to employ analytical approaches for business tasks
4. 數位經濟下的平衡思考 學士:
 6-3 6.3 Students will demonstrate their ability to understand the business analysis findings and make appropriate business recommendations