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科目代碼 BAU0052 課程名稱 電子商務
英文名稱 Electronic Commerce
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
先修課程 ◎必須先修過【BAU0048 企業管理概論】、【BAU0021 行銷管理】
課程簡介 電子商務的發展已經深入整個社會體系。而今眾多產業,尤其是較為的傳統產業,為了跟上時代的腳步進行數位轉型 (digital transformation),不僅將其業務透過電子商務銷售於顧客,更將企業與管理功能數位化。因此,管院學生應提升對數位轉型的了解。而透過本課程學生將可以: 1. 了解電子商務與數位轉型的發展脈絡。 2. 了解數位轉型的思維、策略與工具。 3. 應用所學於實務個案。 4. 學習團隊合作之精神。 為了達成以上目標,本課程著重於課堂討論、個案探討以及透過專案團體作業更進一步了解如何實際操作數位轉型。課堂小組每周務必閱讀指定章節與個案,並在課堂上討論其內容。除此之外,課堂小組將組織顧問團隊選定有興趣的企業,並協助該企業進行數位轉型。針對實作,本課程將提供一到兩位業主供同學選擇,期望同學能藉由所學給予該企業數位轉型之規劃、建議與執行方案細節。另外,同學也能自行構思創業方案,並且透過數位化擴大市場與管理效能。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Students can understand the developments of e-commerce and digital transformation 學士:
 1-1 1.1 Able to identify relevant issues
 1-2 1.2 Able to analyze gathered information using the appropriate methods and models
2. Students can Understand the mindset, strategies, and tools of digital transformation 學士:
 3-1 3.1 Able to demonstrate general business knowledge with global perspectives
3. Students can apply the skills learned from the course to the practices 學士:
 4-1 4.1 Able to recognize ethical dilemmas in the business context
 4-2 4.2 Able to acknowledge the impact of ethical issues in the business context
4. Students can develop a team-based orientation. 學士:
 6-1 6.1 Students will demonstrate their ability to comprehend the core knowledge in the concentrating management areas: Marketing, Finance, and Strategy
 6-3 6.3 Students will demonstrate their ability to understand the business analysis findings and make appropriate business recommendations