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科目代碼 CEC0073 課程名稱 專業倫理學研究
英文名稱 Studies in Professional Ethics
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Higher education institutions from around the world have begun emphasizing that their graduates should be able to do more than simply reproduce the discipline-specific knowledge and skills of their respective professions. There is a move towards the development of genericattributes and higher level academic abilities that include self-directed learning, collaborative problem solving, team building, and identifying, accessing, assimilating and communicating information. One approach to teaching and learning that may help to move students towards independent and critical thinking is known as Inquiry-based learning (referred to as Inquiry from here on). Inquiry aims to promote the development of higher order thinking by guiding students through the exploration of questions that they generate themselves. It requires an environment that supports open discussion, the questioning of assumptions, and the critical evaluation of information, evidence and argument. The learning environment allows students to independently explore concepts in relation to questions that fill self-identified gaps in their own understanding of the world, thereby preparing them for lifelong learning. Inquiry changes the relationship between teacher and student, with teachers needing to move away from being content experts to being facilitators of student-directed learning. The main aim of this course is to help graduate students learn how to engage with and work through the complex ethical dilemmas that they are likely to encounter in working contexts. And after completing this course, we expect students should be: Ethically, socially and environmentally aware and active; Skilled communicators; Autonomous and collaborative; Flexible and have and the confidence to engage across differences; Inquiry-focused and knowledgeable; Critically and relevantly literate.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 了解倫理學的基本原理與內涵以培養健全之倫理觀。授課內容包括:倫理學的內涵、研究領域、方法,當代倫理學領域的主要議題等。 碩士:
 1-1 知識/認知:具備公民教育與活動領導專業知識
 1-1 知識/認知:具備公民教育與活動領導專業知識
2. 了解專業倫理學的理論、內涵及其相關議題。授課主題包含:專業倫理學的定義、歷史、研究對象和相關議題,如學校倫理、醫事倫理、學術倫理、商業倫理、網路倫理和全球專業倫理。 碩士:
 2-1 職能導向:具備公民教育與活動領導理論與情境轉化能力
 2-1 職能導向:具備公民教育與活動領導理論與情境轉化能力
3. 培養在專業倫理上自我反省能力及對現實情境的道德敏感度和道德感。授課焦點置於:專業倫理的基本原則暨專業倫理守則。 碩士:
 3-2 個人特質:具備多元包容與互助利他熱忱
 3-2 個人特質:具備多元包容與互助利他熱忱
4. 培育面對專業倫理個案之倫理判斷能力。授課重點著重:精進倫理案例情境分析技巧暨案例研討能力;透過各職場或專業領域的價值反省,人文意涵的詮釋,進一步探究職業道德與利益、決策訂定等所面臨的倫理衝突情境。 碩士:
 4-1 價值/倫理:信守專業倫理與道德原則
 4-1 價值/倫理:信守專業倫理與道德原則
5. 增進具體道德實踐之有效性。授課議題關注:反省個人所持守的道德原則準據,以期提昇、促進專業的理想目標與價值。特別對於高科技時代來臨的道德落差問題加以關懷及反省,並嘗試尋求解決之道。 碩士:
 4-1 價值/倫理:信守專業倫理與道德原則
 4-1 價值/倫理:信守專業倫理與道德原則