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科目代碼 CED0114 課程名稱 戶外教育專題研究
英文名稱 Special Topics on Outdoor Education
全/半年 必/選修 必修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 1.Course Description This course is intended to provide a general overview toward an understanding of the theoretical foundations of outdoor education. You will be presented with definitions of terms related to outdoor education, historical antecedents, theories of learning, environmental education, and adventure education. This course will also present perspectives on the social and psychological benefits of outdoor education. Ultimately, the goal is to better understand the learner so that you, the educator, can be most deliberate in applying your craft. 2.Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, you will: 1) Define the terms: Outdoor Education; Adventure Education; Environmental Education; Interpretation; Environmental Literacy; and Experiential Education. 2) Explain when each of the above is best used for what audience/learner. 3) Describe the current and/or primary models and theories surrounding outdoor education including environmental education and adventure education. 4) Critically analyze each model/theory for its applicability, strengths, and weaknesses.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 提升戶外教育之專業理論知能,並能全盤理解戶外教育的歷史脈絡及其影響 博士:
 1-1 知識/認知:具備公民教育與活動領導專業知識
2. 理解理論並能夠運用遷移於實務運作中 博士:
 2-1 職能導向:具備公民教育與活動領導理論與情境轉化能力
3. 能對戶外教育提出個人的哲學思想,釐清個人德的信念,並能夠有獨特的洞見 博士:
 3-1 個人特質:具備獨立思考與批判反省精神