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科目代碼 CLC0017 課程名稱 語言,文化與認知
英文名稱 Language, Culture, and Cognition
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 People in different cultures tend to perceive and conceptualize the world differently. What are these differences? Are they random or systematic? Can language as part of culture explain some of these differences? What is the relationship between language and mind (or thought)? What other factors can explain how and what people think the way they do? This course invites you to delve into these fascinating issues and gain some understanding of how thoughts vary with culture and language. This course expects the students to (1) achieve an understanding and awareness of how thoughts in different cultures can vary; (2) achieve an understanding of how our thoughts might be shaped by our culture and language; (3) be able to give several examples of how culture and language shape thoughts; and (4) be able to recognize, respect, and reconcile different cultures and cultural dilemma.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. achieve an understanding and awareness of how thoughts in different cultures can vary; 碩士:
 1-1 能以理論語言學、應用語言學角度瞭解現代漢語之語音、語法、漢字、詞彙、語用、語義等基本理論架構及其教學應用。
 1-3 能瞭解第二語言習得理論與華語教學的關聯。
 1-5 能以華語文作為第二語言之教學理念,對比及詮釋文化的主要內容與核心價值。
 3-1 能進行華語文教學相關之學術研究(語言/文化/學習/教學)。
 3-6 能瞭解並尊重多元文化的差異。
2. achieve an understanding of how our thoughts might be shaped by our culture and language; 碩士:
 1-1 能以理論語言學、應用語言學角度瞭解現代漢語之語音、語法、漢字、詞彙、語用、語義等基本理論架構及其教學應用。
 1-3 能瞭解第二語言習得理論與華語教學的關聯。
 1-5 能以華語文作為第二語言之教學理念,對比及詮釋文化的主要內容與核心價值。
 3-1 能進行華語文教學相關之學術研究(語言/文化/學習/教學)。
 3-6 能瞭解並尊重多元文化的差異。
3. be able to give several examples of how culture and language shape thoughts; 碩士:
 2-8 能瞭解不同國籍、不同文化的學生學習華語文的難點及特色,因材施教。
 3-1 能進行華語文教學相關之學術研究(語言/文化/學習/教學)。
 3-6 能瞭解並尊重多元文化的差異。
4. be able to recognize, respect, and reconcile different cultures and cultural dilemma. 碩士:
 2-8 能瞭解不同國籍、不同文化的學生學習華語文的難點及特色,因材施教。
 3-1 能進行華語文教學相關之學術研究(語言/文化/學習/教學)。
 3-6 能瞭解並尊重多元文化的差異。
 4-4 能遵守研究倫理。