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科目代碼 DIC8001 課程名稱 生態與保育
英文名稱 Ecology and Conservation
全/半年 必/選修 必修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course aims to provide students with rigorous training related to ecology and conservation. The course will cover the following topics: 1.Structure and function of community and ecosystem: Interactions between physical setting and biological components Driving forces of ecosystem 2.Habitat requirement of non- human keystone species in ecosystem Identification and characterization of habitat required by species through its life history 3.Key processes related to ecosystem structure and function Net primary production Biogeochemistry Ecosystem stability, resistance and resilience 4.Conservation of ecosystem Global warming threat and human responses and adjustments Characterizing ecosystem or habitat that needs for maintenance, wise use, or restoration practices (case studies) in conserving ecosystems 5.Ecological services and valuation of ecosystem: From structure, function, and services of ecosystem to human well-being Selected readings that represent major advancement in ecology and conservation and related to the above topics will be given to students for in depth discussion. Professor(s) will give brief lectures on the topics and lead the discussion for approximately one quarter of the semester and students will lead the discussion for the rest. Through the discussion each student is expected to develop a review essay as a term paper. Questions and solutions raised in the discussions are expected to make major contributions in ecology and conservation. Novel approaches and inter-disciplinary studies are highly encouraged.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Lectures and assigned readings are designed to provide fundamental knowledge in ecology and conservation. 博士:
 1-1 具備探究生命科學之專業知識
 4-1 具備正確的科學態度,並遵守科學倫理。
 5-1 能欣賞生物之美,體認生命科學對人類生存及地球永續發展之重要性。
2. Students will identify an area of interest and come up with a research proposal that aims to answer an outstanding question in that area. 博士:
 3-1 具備針對實驗結果,進行正確分析、歸納並發表研究成果的能力。