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科目代碼 EAC9018 課程名稱 兩韓的問題與觀點
英文名稱 Two Koreas: Problem and Perspectives
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course deals with the politics, socioeconomic, and foreign policies of the two Koreas. Beginning with an introduction to the legacies of Japanese rule, we will examine the domestic and international process resulting in a war that divided the nation and will discuss the emergence of the two Koreas; Republic of Korea (ROK) and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) as competing regimes within the global context of the Cold War. Closer attention will be put on different path to the nation building and state building. In addition, ideological, socio-economic, and cultural differences separating these regimes will be examined and the unexpected similarities experienced by the people of these mutually antagonistic nation-states will be discussed as well. Topics include political democratic transition from an authoritarianism in the South, while “Kim’s Empire” continues in the North. This course will also cover the rise of North Korea as one of the “Axis of Evil” and its efforts to become “NUKE.” Issues related to North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, illicit activities, and the human rights, as well as dialogue, sanctions, and the possibility of reunification will also be covered. Since this course will incorporate both lectures and seminar formats, students’ active participation in discussions will be emphasized.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Understanding the traditional and modern East Asian International Order 學士:
 1-4 擁有東亞區域研究中,政治、社會與經濟的視野與思維能力。
 1-4 擁有東亞區域研究中,政治、社會與經濟的視野與思維能力。
2. Understanding and comparing the similarities and dissimilarities between the North and the South Korea with special focus on political system, ideology and foreign policies 學士:
 4-2 能夠檢視、理解、尊重不同文化的多元與差異,並能遵循群我規範,具有使命感。
 4-2 能夠檢視、理解、尊重不同文化的多元與差異,並能遵循群我規範,具有使命感。
3. Understanding the establishment of North Korea and the nature and characteristics of “Kim’s Kingdom.” 學士:
 4-3 能夠懷抱開放、宏觀、前瞻的全球視野,並體認東亞文化的特色與價值,理性參與公共事務。
 4-3 能夠懷抱開放、宏觀、前瞻的全球視野,並體認東亞文化的特色與價值,理性參與公共事務。
4. Diagnosing the prospects on the future of the Korean Peninsula and the plausible scenarios for reunification 學士:
 2-4 具備評論、撰述學術論文及編撰學術專書的能力。
 2-4 具備評論、撰述學術論文及編撰學術專書的能力。