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科目代碼 EAU0240 課程名稱 韓國文化與社會
英文名稱 Culture and Society of Korea
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 課程簡介 Course Description This class is an introductory lecture course for undergraduate which aims at enhancing the level of understandings on the changes, characteristics, and dynamics of Korean society and its major issues of history, tradition, and culture. Firstly, throughout the course, we will discuss how Korea has changed and explain how Korean culture, tradition, norms, and values has played an Important role in changes and continuity. This course also deals with a brief history from traditional state to the present with special emphasis on division and war between the North and South Korea. Secondly, this course examines Korean society in the era of globalization and how Korean government and people have been trying to preserve its tradition and values while speeding up modernization and industrialization. Korea has China as its continental neighbor and Japan as an insular state, which both countries have had influenced Korea greatly on culture and modernization process. Thirdly, this course deals with Korea as a peninsular state which has been a place for competition and confrontation between superpowers such as China, Japan, the former Soviet Union and the United States. Korea is now in a process of political, economic, and social change that is reshaping how it deals with each other and with the outside world. This course also deals historically and structurally with the international relations and foreign policies of Korea in the region and the changes that it makes, in addition to what these changes mean, especially for certain key issues such as division of Korea and North Korea’s nuclear development, the rise of China and emotional animosity with Japan, etc. In addition, we examine the modern Korean pop culture referred to “Hallyu (the Korean Wave)” and analyze what makes it popular. To this end, students are expected to read the assigned journal articles and book chapters as well as the main textbook. In addition, we will watch Korean movies and documentary clips to understand Korean media.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. have a broad-based understanding of both traditional and contemporary Korean culture, in addition to political, social, and mindset of Korean people and society. 學士:
 1-5 具備跨領域、跨文化的策略知識以及人文社會的科際整合能力。
2. enhance their interests and ability to view and analyze Korea and Korean society from their own perspectives, including understanding shifts in culture over time. 學士:
 1-4 擁有東亞區域研究中,政治、社會與經濟的視野與思維能力。
3. be able to advance structured arguments about Korea, identify the cultural norms behind social and political behavior, 學士:
 3-1 具有宏觀思惟、獨立思考、專業研究與批判反省的能力。
4. understanding shifts in culture and tradition overtime, and the dynamic changes that brought to Korean people and society. 學士:
 3-2 具有尊重包容多元文化的世界觀與人文素養。