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科目代碼 EMM0105 課程名稱 東亞音樂與現代性
英文名稱 Music and Modernity of East Asia
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Musics of modern China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea have been embracing drastic changes that emerged in the twentieth century, a phenomenon of modernity emerging from encounters with the West. As much as the four cultures share common changes, their expressive practices are unique, shaped by distinctive musical heritage. What are the common changes? What are their distinctive practices? This course examines the dynamic processes of modern making in the featured musical cultures. Issues of modernity we will discuss include colonialism, identity negotiation, political revolution, media technology, globalization, and transnationalism. Both “traditional” and modern musical practices will be examined, seeing both as processes and products of modernity negotiations and creativity. The goal is to develop analytical strategies of discussing East Asian music in complex social, cultural, and political contexts, and to appreciate musical creativity of modernity as commonly shared across cultures.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 了解東亞音樂文化與現況分析 碩士:
 1-2 理論知識與獨立學術研究能力
 2-1 建立研究傳承與教學的應用方式
2. 思考東亞音樂與文化之分析方法 碩士:
 2-2 音樂理論、分析、風格之專題研究
 3-1 尊重不同音樂藝術形式
3. 思考東亞與現代音樂探索與展演能力 碩士:
 1-1 音樂展演實務
 3-2 自我表現/協調合作的能力
 4-2 維護傳統音樂藝術性之原貌,再現其價值與精華