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科目代碼 ENC1065 課程名稱 十九世紀英國小說
英文名稱 19th-Century English Novel
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 本課程有系統地介紹十九世紀英國小說及相關社會、歷史與文化等議題。因為有部分學生可能已修過或將選修「十九世紀英國女作家」,因此本課程以男小說家的作品為主,而以女小說家的作品為輔。由於十九世紀英國小說家曾嘗試不同的小說型式,本課程也將逐一介紹這些不同的小說類型的特色,包括有歷史小說、感性小說、成長小說、哥德式小說、鄉土小說、童話小說、科幻小說、以及冒險與奇幻小說等。最後本課程也將介紹十九世紀與後現代的小說理論,以及小說家與小說作品在十九世紀與二十一世紀受歡迎的程度。本課程期望學生對十九世紀英國小說的發展能有通盤且深入的瞭解。 As the Victorian period is arguably the most complex, rapidly-changing and replete with the myriad of social problems and conflicts, such as gender, education, social welfare, poverty, industrialization, and crime, among others, the Victorian fiction reflects many social dimensions. We hope to explore broadly and also in depth the representative novels of some major writers, such as Charles Dickens, Rudyard Kipling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Wilkie Collins, and Joseph Conrad. This “Nineteenth-Century Novels” course hopes to focus particularly on several major issues: British imperialism, London cosmopolitanism, crime and industrialization, urbanity, modernity, the genre of Gothic and Detective Fiction, the transition between Victorianism and Modernism. The issue of transition between Victorianism and Modernism is fascinating. Some perceive Victorian fiction as forerunner of Modern fiction. For instance, Raymond Williams argues, that since industrialization and urbanization feature modernity, the dating of British Modernism should start from the Victorian period. For him, the Victorian period was the beginning of modernism and modernity, and Charles Dickens should be considered as a forerunner of Modernist fiction. Another major modernist writer, Joseph Conrad, often conceived as the father of Modern fiction, with his complex narratives, actually wrote and published some of his early novels in the late nineteenth century, such as Almayer’s Folly in 1895, An Outcast of the Islands, 1896; “An Outpost of Progress,” 1897; and Heart of Darkness, 1899. Hence, we will reconsider the issue when Victorianism ends and when Modernism starts. In the nineteenth century, especially during the Victorian reign, the imperial conflict between China and the British Empire, and two colonial military expeditions to China incurred by the Opium trade play a large part in the period. Hence, one of the major issues we intend to explore in this course is the representation of China and opium in the Victorian fiction, especially in the novels by the Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. We will also explore the issues of London cosmopolitanism, as London being the epicenter of the British Empire. We will investigate the connection between London as the capital of the British Empire and its peripherals and colonies, especially India and China. Opium smoking in London seems to play a significant part in late Victorian writing. Some of the novels by Dickens, Collins and Wilde in our reading list depict the opium dens in London’s East End, while Kipling’s stories depict the opium factory in India.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. rovides students in the program with an in-depth introduction to the major novelists and related social and cultural issues in nineteenth-century England. 碩士:
 1-1 具備深化專業知識範疇及其學術研究之能力