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科目代碼 ENC3040 課程名稱 雙語讀寫發展
英文名稱 Biliteracy Development
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This graduate-level course examines theory, research, and practice related to bilingualism and biliteracy development. It will explore the process of language and literacy development of children or people exposed to more than one language. In addition to theoretical scholarly work, the readings will focus on selected Chinese-bilingual, US and international cases to illustrate more general concerns relating to learners’ bilingual / bicultural / biliterate development in formal educational settings. Topics to be addressed will include, but not be limited to, emergent biliteracy, transfer theory, family literacy, individual and contextual factors, sociocultural influences, biliteracy in the classrooms. Students will also have an opportunity to conduct a mini research proposal to explore topics that they are interested in. Required Readings: There is no required textbook for this course. Each week students will be assigned several journal articles and/or book chapters to read that are related to the theme of the week. Except for a few electronic resources, most readings will be included in a coursepack prepared by the instructor.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. to examine theory, research, and practice related to bilingualism and biliteracy development 碩士:
 1-1 具備深化專業知識範疇及其學術研究之能力
 1-2 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能
 2-1 能有效運用英語於專業領域及相關職場上的溝通
 2-2 能應用相關專業知識幫助他人提升英語能力