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科目代碼 ENC3043 課程名稱 外語習得評量研究
英文名稱 Studies in Measuring Second Language Acquisition
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course will cover theory and principles of both scale and test development and validation under the framework of second language acquisition. The emphasis of the course will be on the theoretical and practical issues of SLA measurement under classical test theory. Following a review of basic ideas of measurement, tests, and statistical concepts, two major concepts of classical test theory, reliability and validity, will be discussed. The primary objective of the course is to sharpen the skill, sophistication, and intuition of the course takers in the interpretation of SLA test data, and in the construction and use of tests as instruments based on SLA theory and as tools in the practical problems of selection, evaluation, and guidance.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. The primary objective of the course is to sharpen the skill, sophistication, and intuition of the course takers in the interpretation of SLA test data, and in the construction and use of tests as instruments based on SLA theory and as tools in the practical problems of selection, evaluation, and guidance. 碩士:
 2-1 能有效運用英語於專業領域及相關職場上的溝通
 2-2 能應用相關專業知識幫助他人提升英語能力
 2-3 具有運用多媒體及資訊科技之能力