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科目代碼 ENU0213 課程名稱 電腦輔助英語學習
英文名稱 Computer-assisted English Learning
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in the last three to four decades has experienced great changes, for example, the impact of the internet and mobile technology, to just name a couple. Language teachers try to create an optimal environment for their learners in the classrooms. On the other hand, language learners, literate in various media, expect to learn and master a target language with some assistance of technologies. Whether or not some technologies can be used in a language classroom, or how some of them can be used, remains an issue that deserves further and careful investigation.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. To familiarize students with “what have been done” and “what can possibly be done” by using computer technologies in language teaching and learning, the loosest sense of computer assisted language learning (CALL) 學士:
 1-1 具備瞭解文學、語言學與英語教學的知識範疇及其應用層面之能力
 2-4 具有運用多媒體及資訊科技之能力
 2-6 能運用英語系專業擷取新知,加以整合創新及運用
2. To know what CALL can and what CALL can not be incorporated in English classrooms in Taiwan 學士:
 1-6 具備瞭解英語成為國際溝通語言發展過程的知識
 3-1 具有開放的胸襟,在學習外語的過程中培養本地與全球視野
 3-2 具有國際觀,能融合多元觀點、尊重不同意見,並能肯定自我
 3-3 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
3. To equip students with some basic skills in creating multimedia courseware, online (web-based) and offline, for their future teaching 學士:
 1-7 具備跨語言、跨文化溝通之相關知能
 2-2 能有效運用英語於專業領域及相關職場上的溝通
 2-5 具備創意思考及發展第二專長之能力
 4-1 能明辨是非、以身作則,遵守專業倫理
 4-2 能負責盡職、以誠待人、事、物
 4-4 能珍惜資源,愛護地球