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科目代碼 ENU0347 課程名稱 日常醫學英文
英文名稱 English for Health and Medicine
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course is for students who are interested in developing their health literacy skills. Topical coverage includes skin lesions, heart diseases, respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal problems, and neurodegenerative conditions. The course provides authentic materials to enhance students' skill in communicating about health and medicine, as well as the ability to interpret charts and tables. The course aims to meet these objectives through lectures, readings, assignments, and collaborative activities.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Expand on the four skills of language learn-ing 學士:
 1-3 具備語言學習的重要理念並瞭解英語聽、說、讀、寫能力的習得過程
 2-1 具有正確英語發音及良好的英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯的能力及溝通技巧
2. Learn and apply relevant terminologies used in the medical field 學士:
 2-2 能有效運用英語於專業領域及相關職場上的溝通
 2-3 能應用相關專業知識幫助他人提升英語能力
 2-5 具備創意思考及發展第二專長之能力
 2-6 能運用英語系專業擷取新知,加以整合創新及運用
3. Gain practice in interpreting charts, graphs, and tables 學士:
 3-3 具有獨立思考、發掘問題及批判之能力
4. Instill positive work ethics & foster compassion in healthcare 學士:
 4-1 能明辨是非、以身作則,遵守專業倫理
 4-2 能負責盡職、以誠待人、事、物