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科目代碼 ESD0002 課程名稱 理論地球物理學
英文名稱 Theoretical Geophysics
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 教學目標: 地球物理學是研究地球的物理行為、活動、及機制的學門,在這門課你將學到地球物理領域近年來最熱門的科學問題、為回答這些問題所使用的方法,及這些方法論的應用價值。 教材內容: 1. 9/14 Overview: Study of Earth Structures 2. 9/21 Overview: Earthquake Seismology - Seismicity - The Earthquake source - Slip behavior - Physics of earthquake source - State of stress, nucleation, and triggering - Associated problems - Earthquake risk mitigation 3. 9/28 Geodetic Overview GPS and Space-Based Geodetic Methods - LLR (Lunar Laser Ranging) - SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging) - VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry) - GPS (Global Positioning System) - InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) 4. 10/5 Steady State Overview - Isostasy - Deformation of the crust and lithosphere - Load, plate age, and rheological structure - Global Elastic thickness - Geological implications 5. 10/12 Crust and lithospheric structure – Global crustal structure Natural source - Seismic techs. For determining the structure of the crust and uppermost mantle - Nonseismic constraints on crustal structure - Structure of oceanic crust and passive Margins - Structure of continental crust - Global crustal models 6. 10/19 Fault Interaction, Earthquake Stress Changes and the Evolution of Seismicity Dynamic triggering - stress interaction - static triggering - dynamic triggering 7. 10/26 Earth Tide - Tidal forces - Tidal response of the solid earth - Tidal loading - Analyzing and predicting Earth tides - Earth-tide instrumentation 8. 11/2 Fracture and Frictional Mechanics - Linear elastic fracture mechanics - The governing equations - Exact solutions for quasistatic 2-D planar cracks - Dynamic effects - Fracture energy - Coupling of elastodynamics and shear heating 9. 11/9 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan 10. 11/16 Rate- and State-Dependent Friction - Rate- and state-dependent friction -Models of sliding phenomena - Earthquake nucleation - Seismicity rate models - Stress changes estimated from earthquake rates 11. 11/23 Interaction of Solid Earth, Atmosphere and Ionosphere - Low-frequency peak - Hum - Microseisms - From noise to structure - Localized sources of interactions 12. 11/30 Episodic Aseismic Slip at Plate Boundaries - Seismic and aseismic slip at plate boundaries - Modes of EAS - MAS and seismic tremor - Global observations of EAS - EAS and seismicity 13. 12/7 SuperVolcano 14. 12/14 Complexity and Earthquakes - GR scaling - Bath’s Law - Omori’s Law - Accelerated moment release - Recurrence times - interoccurrence times 15. 12/21 Physical Processes that Control Strong Ground Motion - Green’s function - Source models - Effect of surface geology - Effect of fault finiteness - Predicting strong ground motions 16. 12/28 Volcano Seismology - Volcanic seismic signals - Volcanic seismic sources - Physical mechanisms for volcanic seismic signals - Models for volcanic seismic signals 17. 1/4 Earthquake hydrology - Hydrologic response to stress - Effect of static stress - Effect of dynamic strain - hydrologic precursors 18. 1/11 Final 實施方式 第一個小時由老師介紹該周課程之重要性及導讀 第二三小時由學生口頭報告 評量方法 Final: 20% Presentations: 50% Attendance: 30% 教科書 Treatise on Geophysics (11-Volume Set) http://www.elsevierdirect.com/brochures/geophysics/index.html
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 地球物理學是研究地球的物理行為、活動、及機制的學門,在這門課你將學到地球物理領域近年來最熱門的科學問題、為回答這些問題所使用的方法,及這些方法論的應用價值。 博士:
 1-2 瞭解地球科學基本內涵,具備跨領域的知能和分析與應用之能力。
 1-4 具備理性思維與邏輯判斷之能力。
 1-5 具備批判性思考之能力。
 2-1 具備資料統整與邏輯推演之能力。
 2-2 具備語文表達與溝通之能力。
 2-5 具備進修與學習專業科學新知之能力。
 2-6 具備電腦應用、網路學習與搜尋之能力。
 3-1 能以理性、科學與周延專注的態度尋求問題解答。
 3-2 能獨立思考與自我省思。
 3-3 有開闊的胸襟,不拘成見,勇於接受科技新知與理論。
 3-4 富同情心,具備有效溝通協調之能力。
 3-5 具備生涯規劃之能力、並能持續自主學習與進修。
 4-1 秉持誠實不造假的精神。
 4-3 具有抱持懷疑的求知態度。
 4-4 能珍惜地球資源,尊重智慧財產權。