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科目代碼 GEU0199 課程名稱 永續觀光管理
英文名稱 Sustainable Tourism Management
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Given that tourism worldwide is a huge economic sector, this course poses the overarching question: what are the effects of tourism on sustainable development? Sustainable tourism is needed as increasing flows of tourists and investments in tourism have both positive and negative impacts on both local and global scales. The course will be specifically useful to students interested in understanding the types and impacts of tourism from a sustainability perspective. Lectures, a field trip, and student-led tutorials will be used to understand how tourism affects landscapes, environments and societies as a whole. This course allows students to appreciate geographers’ contributions to sustainable tourism management studies. Students will be able to approach various facets of sustainable tourism, including: ecotourism; urban tourism; community-based tourism; tourism planning, management and policy; and the future of sustainable tourism. A multifaceted understanding of tourism allows students to critically evaluate and apprehend tourism policies and activities on economic, social, and environmental domains.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Analyze and apprehend the positive and negative impacts of tourism on the landscape, environment and society as a whole. 學士:
 1-1 了解地理學知識的基本內涵,包括理論概念、區域特色等
 4-3 具備環境正義、環境倫理與實現永續發展的價值觀
2. Understand and apply current frameworks and theories on sustainable tourism management. 學士:
 1-1 了解地理學知識的基本內涵,包括理論概念、區域特色等
 2-1 具備地理學的內涵與技能、應用於實務研究、規劃與管理能力
 2-4 具備整合空間資訊的技能,跨領域分析、研究、規劃、管理與決策的應用能力
3. Develop an integrated approach to evaluate tourism policies, management and planning from a sustainability perspective. 學士:
 2-3 具備整合規劃區域發展,參與制定政策與公共事務的能力
 3-3 具備人文及科技素養,以思考、判斷、創造能力解決問題
4. Incorporate lessons learned from a case study within the broader historical, sustainability and contemporary tourism context. 學士:
 1-3 具備從事地理學研究的基本能力,包括問題意識、解析方法、論文撰述等
 2-2 具備環境議題分析與應用能力,能整合地理學知識與技能應用於環境評估與規劃
 4-2 具備多元溝通與團隊合作的工作態度