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科目代碼 ICC0081 課程名稱 數位學習管理系統
英文名稱 e-Learning Management Systems
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course provides students with an introduction to the principles and concepts of learning management systems (LMS) in general and some popular systems in particular. Students will learn methodologies and techniques of designing LMSs, and obtain practical experience of existing LMSs and also developing their own ones. They will also have the ability to evaluate diverse LMSs and propose solutions for improving them.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. The student will develop a knowledge and understanding of learning management systems. 碩士:
 1-4 能瞭解資訊科技融入教學的理論與實務
 1-8 能說明數位學習之教學設計與管理系統之重點
 3-3 能考量學習者個別差異,進行教學設計
2. The student will develop skills associated with learning management systems. 碩士:
 2-3 能設計數位教材及規劃管理資訊科技環境
 2-4 能應用數位學習專案管理方法進行學習管理
 3-4 能主動分析數位學習相關問題與需求
3. The student will develop the ability to evaluate learning management systems. 碩士:
 1-5 能瞭解資訊科技融入教學的實施策略並評量其成效
4. The student will develop a sense of employing digital technologies in learning. 碩士:
 4-2 能認同及肯定資訊科技應用於教學之效益
 4-3 能認同及肯定數位學習推動之價值