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科目代碼 ICD0171 課程名稱 網路學習社群理論
英文名稱 Theories of Network-based Learning Communities
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This graduate level course for doctoral students will provide a comprehensive understanding of theories, principles, strategies, and concepts pertaining to the processes and variables associated with network-based learning communities. Various aspects of learning (e.g., learning theories, motives, management, evaluation, and social learning network) will be investigated, analyzed, and discussed with specific emphasis placed upon recent theory, research, and practice related to networked learning. Participants will also have opportunities to question, discuss, and critique contemporary theory and research and use research methods to collect the evidence necessary for building and testing theories.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 能夠從網路學習社群相關的理論、研究與實務觀點瞭解社群中的學習過程與可能變數 博士:
 1-10 能說明數位學習社群之屬性與研究重點
2. 能分析數位學習社群的問題,考量自己的研究發展或個人興趣,探討值得研究的議題,同時應用近代資料收集與分析分法,提出解決策略、評估方案、與發展建議 博士:
 3-4 能主動分析數位學習相關問題與需求
3. 能夠認同網路學習社群對當代教學的重要性,並掌握國內外現況、相關理論和研究、與未來趨勢,並在適當的時機對相關的人進行遊說或勸說 博士:
 4-3 能認同及肯定數位學習推動之價值