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科目代碼 ISM0311 課程名稱 資訊尋求行為研究
英文名稱 Studies in Information Seeking Behavior
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Course Description: Survey of information needs, information seeking behavior, and information use by people in their various roles, situations, and contexts. Methods that are used to study information needs, uses, and information seeking behavior. Course Objectives: 1.Identify the major concepts and findings of the literature on information needs, seeking, and use, including the important research programs and the questions, theories, and researchers associated with each; 2.Critique the major areas of research on information seeking, including a description of their strengths and weaknesses; 3.Apply concepts and frameworks from the research literature to examples or cases; and 4.Observe and analytically describe information seeking/use activities and behavior in both library/archive/museum contexts and in everyday life situations. (Adopted from http://slisweb.lis.wisc.edu/~ewhitmire/syllabus.html and http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/llievrou/IS246F04Syl.pdf)
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Identify the major concepts and findings of the literature on information needs, seeking, and use, including the important research programs and the questions, theories, and researchers associated with each 碩士:
 1-3 探究資訊使用者及資訊使用之理論與方法
2. Critique the major areas of research on information seeking, including a description of their strengths and weaknesses; 碩士:
 2-1 具備問題分析及解決的能力
 2-2 具備整合應用數位與網路科技的能力
3. Observe and analytically describe information seeking/use activities and behavior in both library/archive/museum contexts and in everyday life situations. 碩士:
 2-1 具備問題分析及解決的能力
 2-2 具備整合應用數位與網路科技的能力
 4-1 以人為本,尊重知識,整合運用資訊科技與創新服務,促進知識之自由與有效使用。