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科目代碼 IWM0030 課程名稱 國際企業管理研究
英文名稱 International Business Management
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course focuses on opportunities and challenges created by globalization for today’s businesses. It examines cross-cultural and management issues related to management in an international marketplace. The aim of this course is to enable students to better analyze and understand the opportunities and challenges that various businesses face when expanding their activities internationally and when dealing with international competitors in their home markets. Topics that will be particularly emphasized include: cultural values in different nations and how those values influence management and organizational practices of international businesses; how to gain competitive advantage and compete successfully in the international marketplace; challenges and issues of international businesses on human resource management and global marketing. This course is designed to prepare future employees and managers to work more effectively in a global workplace. It is taught using a combination of lectures, discussions, experiential exercises and short cases.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Learn the fundamental theories and practices of international business management 碩士:
 1-1 具備全球化人力資源思維。
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
2. Understand how culture and diversity influence international business management 碩士:
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
3. Understand the various issues, opportunities, and challenges of international business management in global environment 碩士:
 1-1 具備全球化人力資源思維。
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 3-3 具備跨文化的敏銳度與包容性
4. Understand the importance of social and ethical responsibility of international businesses 碩士:
 4-1 具備職業誠信與守法精神
 4-2 具備職場倫理信念
5. Understand strategic planning and implementation on human resource management for international businesses 碩士:
 1-1 具備全球化人力資源思維。
 1-2 具備人力資源理論及實務知識
 1-3 具備組織診斷與員工諮詢輔導知識
 2-1 具備組織人力徵、選、育、用、留、展專業技能