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科目代碼 MBM0059 課程名稱 個人理財
英文名稱 Personal Finance
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 學⽣將學習到共同基⾦、ETF投資、資產配置、⾦融科技以及其他退休、保險、信⽤管理等個⼈財務規劃。
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 共同基⾦績效評估/學習使⽤國際基⾦評等機構Morningstar相關的軟體 碩士:
 6-1 Able to demonstrate knowledge of one’s disciplinary concentration (finance or marketing)
2. 評估個⼈的退休⾦計畫 碩士:
 6-2 Able to demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental methodology of solving financial/marketing problems and making decisions
 6-3 Able to employ the main quantitative techniques to elicit valuable information from business data to facilitate financial/marketing decision makin
3. 信⽤管理 碩士:
 6-1 Able to demonstrate knowledge of one’s disciplinary concentration (finance or marketing)
4. 評估保險⼯具及個⼈的投資計畫建議 碩士:
 6-2 Able to demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental methodology of solving financial/marketing problems and making decisions
 6-3 Able to employ the main quantitative techniques to elicit valuable information from business data to facilitate financial/marketing decision makin