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科目代碼 NSC9002 課程名稱 分子營養學
英文名稱 Molecular Nutrition
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This is a co-taught course among Mississippi State University (MSU), National Taiwan University (NTU), National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), and National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). Faculty and students in these universities will participate in the course via videoconferencing. The emerging discipline of molecular nutrition encompasses nutritional biochemistry, nutritional genomics, nutritional metabolomics, and epigenetics. The course focuses on the effects of diet and nutrients on an individual’s genome and metabolism, and how the molecular events affect human health. This course is a lecture course designed to acquaint senior undergraduate and graduate students with current concepts, knowledge and strategies for understanding molecular nutrition.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. The student will know the areas of molecular nutrition. 學士:
 1-1 營養科學之基礎知識:具備營養相關知識
2. The student will learn the mechanisms by which nutrients and dietary components regulate gene expression at genomic, transcriptional, and translational levels 學士:
 1-2 營養科學之基礎知識:具備膳食管理知識
3. The student will be familiar with the nutritional control on optimal human health 學士:
 2-3 營養科學之基礎技能:具備營養相關研究能力
4. The student will be aware of the impact of nutrients and dietary components on human genetic diseases 學士:
 2-3 營養科學之基礎技能:具備營養相關研究能力