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科目代碼 PCC0098 課程名稱 精神藥物學
英文名稱 Neuron Pharmacology
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course is to provide information about psychopharmacology to the non-medical mental health care provider so that he or she can be a more informed member of the mental care team. The main focus will be on basic principles of psychopharmacology, the major classification of psychotropic drugs, their main actions, most common side effects and important interactions and risk-benefit considerations in the use of prescription medications. This course will not prepare the students to be any part of the pharmacological prescriptive process. Course Requirements: 1. Maintain regular attendance and participate in class discussions and activities. 2. Read all assigned readings in detail. In addition to the textbook chapters, articles of interest will be assigned throughout the semester. 3. Presentation on a use of a psychopharmacological agent. This assignment is to provide students with the opportunity to explore a certain psychopharmacological agent in-depth. Topics, group selection, and date of presentation will be discussed in the first week of class. Students will prepare a 30-minute presentation on the psychopharmacological agent which include: A) a 2-page paper describing the agent’s: 1) generic and trade names, 2) applications, 3) interactions with other drugs, and 4) side-effects and B) a one-page paper describing the research findings of two research articles regarding the particular psychopharmacological agent that you select . Students will distribute paper to all members of the class at the time of their presentation. 4. One research paper/presentation. One 10-12 page paper on a current and/or controversial topic relating to the medical treatment of mental health disorder. The students need to provide different views on the issue (e.g., pros and cons). Topics need to be pre-approved by instructor. Each student will have 30-minute to present his/her paper. Date of presentation will be discussed in class. 5. Comprehensive final examination.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 學習精神藥物學之相關知識 碩士:
 1-3 具備諮商輔導的相關知識
 1-3 具備諮商輔導的相關知識
2. 學習運用精神藥物學之相關知識在諮商實務上 碩士:
 2-2 具備諮商輔導的實務能力
 3-2 尊重個別差異
 4-1 具備專業倫理
 4-2 具備人文關懷精神
 2-2 具備諮商輔導的實務能力
 3-2 尊重個別差異
 4-1 具備專業倫理
 4-2 具備人文關懷精神