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科目代碼 PEM0100 課程名稱 運動贊助策略研究
英文名稱 Studies in Strategic Sport Sponsorship
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 The global sport sponsorship market is estimated to be worth about US$57 billion dollars in 2020 with annual year growth rate of 4.74%. It has become of vital importance to any sport professional that is in sport industry. “Topics on Strategic Sport Sponsorship” is the first graduate course in Taiwan focusing on professional sport sponsorship and providing a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary analysis of this industry. Topics covered include the global trends and strategic nature of sport sponsorship after COVID 19 outbreak; motivation and benefits of corporate sport sponsorship, activation mix of sport sponsorship, international mega sport event sponsorship, individual athlete sponsorship, the development of effective sponsorship plan and methods of evaluation. Global Sport Sponsorship is essential competence for anyone involved in the practice or academic study of one of the world's largest industries. The characteristic of this course is to integrate the lecturer’s personal field experiences of the Olympics marketing and other major sport properties into his instruction, which will strengthen the student competitive competence in their job market.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. To understand the fundaments of modern sport sponsorship and its importance of strategic applications in global sport business. 碩士:
 1-1 具有體育運動專業學科知識能力。
 3-5 能積極參與體育運動專業成長及進修。
 4-2 能認同體育運動專業形象。
2. To cultivate students ability of developing the effective sport sponsorship proposal and the ability to work with others (team work). 碩士:
 1-2 具有體育運動行政實務規劃及執行能力。
 2-3 具有體育運動相關職場就業能力。
 2-7 具有運用現代科技的能力。
 2-8 具有體育運動學術研究能力。
 3-6 具有思考、創意、溝通、解決問題及應變能力。
 4-6 遵守以人為教學研究與服務對象的倫理規範。
3. To develop the essential capability of being an outstanding modern global sport industry leader who is able to deal with various challenges and issues successfully in the sport world. 碩士:
 3-4 具有團隊合作及協調能力。
 3-6 具有思考、創意、溝通、解決問題及應變能力。
 4-3 能遵守體育運動實踐活動中的個人自律及公共道德。