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科目代碼 SEC8012 課程名稱 科學教育學術論文寫作
英文名稱 Academic Writing in Science Education
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This course is designed for graduate students who are interested in writing scholarly papers for conference presentation or journal publication. We will discuss common structures of research papers in science education, submission and review processes of conference proposals and journal articles, and basic strategies for scholarly writing. Students who take this course are expected to complete a conference proposal or a research paper in English at the end of the semester. You need to have some research ideas and data before enrolling for this course. We will have a series of activities to help you write up your research ideas, make arguments, and present findings. We will have opportunities to share, discuss, and review each other’s papers. We will use each other’s writing experience and knowledge as resources to support the writing process. Because this course is not a methodology one, we will not go through the details about how to do research and how to analyze data.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. Develop skills to review a research paper and evaluate the quality of the research. 碩士:
 1-11 具批判研究設計及分析方法之能力
 1-11 具批判研究設計及分析方法之能力
2. Develop confidence, skills, and strategies for writing a scholarly paper in English. 碩士:
 1-10 具規劃研究設計及執行資料分析的能力
 2-4 能獨力完成科學教育的相關研究
 1-10 具規劃研究設計及執行資料分析的能力
 2-4 能獨力完成科學教育的相關研究
3. Realize the ethical issues and follow APA ethical principles. 碩士:
 4-1 秉持能誠實不造假的精神
 4-5 尊重智慧財產權
 4-1 秉持能誠實不造假的精神
 4-5 尊重智慧財產權