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科目代碼 TCU1016 課程名稱 臺灣文化、語言及文學
英文名稱 Taiwan Culture, Languages and Literature
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 2.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 2.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 This is a lectured-based course while active class discussions or various forms will be required. Instead of pure lecturing, students will have opportunities to deeply reflect on what they experience in regard to different facets of Taiwan culture via participating in discussions and student-centered activities. In fact, many perspectives provided in this course are different from mainstream and critical of what students can hear and learn from ordinary people and public media. That is to say, the design and the viewpoints are both intended to make students think and analyze critically. This course will lead the students to explore Taiwan from the perspectives of food, culture, popular culture, language and society, linguistics, and Taiwanese literature. This exploration will be guided by 5 teachers of the Department of Taiwan Culture, Language, and Literature, National Taiwan Normal University. These topics are chosen because Taiwan culture is the patterns of learned and shared behavior and beliefs of Taiwan. The patterns can be observed in food and languages on a daily basis. In other word, nothing other than food and languages can be more representative when it comes to culture. On the other hand, due to industrialization and globalization, popular culture has taken the center stage of folk culture. Therefore, these topics, we believe, can help students see the true face of today’s Taiwan. In addition to the daily practice and folk aspects of culture, cinema and literature are employed to demonstrate the high culture of Taiwan for these two are still appreciated by most Taiwanese people today. By doing so, the introduction to Taiwan culture becomes comprehensive for it comprises not only the low and high but also the synchronic and diachronic angles from the development of literature and cinema. In fact, food, cinema, literature and languages (especially the shift of languages) are reflections of the transformation of Taiwan society. Through these topics, students can also approach the society in depth from a sophisticated way.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 了解台灣文化,關心社會、土地 學士:
 1-2 瞭解台灣文化多樣化的互動關係
 2-1 具備瞭解台灣文學、語言與文化的專業知識
 3-1 具備多元文化價值觀
 4-1 養成對台灣語言、文化、文學的使命感
2. 觀察生活、社會、人群,尊重多元文化 學士:
 2-1 具備瞭解台灣文學、語言與文化的專業知識
 3-1 具備多元文化價值觀
 4-2 具有開放的心胸
3. 主動參與文化事務與了解文化內涵 學士:
 2-1 具備瞭解台灣文學、語言與文化的專業知識
 3-1 具備多元文化價值觀
 4-1 養成對台灣語言、文化、文學的使命感
 4-2 具有開放的心胸