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科目代碼 TIC0046 課程名稱 質性研究方法
英文名稱 Qualitative Research Methods
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3.0 小時, 實驗時數: 0.0 小時
課程簡介 Many research questions in the field of translation studies are best approached through qualitative research methods. In particular, research focused on insight, understanding, and discovery from the perspectives of those being studied may offer promise of making contribution to the theory and practice of translation. In this class, we are going to explore various research approaches such as interviewing, observations, grounded theory, ethnographic study, and other techniques which are central to qualitative inquiry. Qualitative studies commonly conducted in the area of translation and interpreting will also be discussed. After taking this course, you will be able to understand assumptions and characteristics held by qualitative research; to identify definitions, uses, strengths, and limitations of different types of qualitative methods; as well as to collect, analyze and interpret qualitative data concerning translation activities. Each student is also required to conduct a qualitative study in his or her chosen area of translation and interpretation.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 培養對英美文學、語言、英語教學、口筆譯之專業知識與優良能力 碩士:
 1-3 文本分析能力
 1-4 語言表達能力
 1-3 文本分析能力
 1-4 語言表達能力
2. 培養以理論為基礎,具有獨立思考與靈活應用、解決問題的能力 碩士:
 2-2 專業態度與專業表現
 2-3 背景知識運用能力
 2-2 專業態度與專業表現
 2-3 背景知識運用能力
3. 培養學生從事原創性學術研究的能力 碩士:
 3-1 相關理論涉獵
 3-2 獨立研究能力
 3-3 開創議題
 3-4 嚴謹思維與批判能力
 3-1 相關理論涉獵
 3-2 獨立研究能力
 3-3 開創議題
 3-4 嚴謹思維與批判能力
4. 培養以人文為核心基礎,跨領域結合、轉化、應用之能力 碩士:
 4-1 相關領域知識之涉獵
 4-2 連結翻譯議題
 4-3 跨領域、跨文化視野
 4-1 相關領域知識之涉獵
 4-2 連結翻譯議題
 4-3 跨領域、跨文化視野