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科目代碼 CLP5014 課程名稱 IB哲學與實作
英文名稱 IB Philosophy and Practices
全/半年 必/選修 選修
學分數 3.0 每週授課時數 正課時數: 3 小時
開課系所 華語碩(職) 開課學制 碩專數位班 開課學程班別 海外華語師資數位碩士在職專班 開課年級
課程簡介 The IB Philosophy and Practices Online MOOC is based upon the International Baccalaureate Organization official guidelines and documents, developed by IBO. We have built upon these resources in this MOOC, supporting them with a course structure that puts them into a supportive framework for learners to inquire and connect with their own experiences in the discussion forums. This course is not intended as a comprehensive manual for IB teaching. Rather, it serves as a starting point to develop your understanding of the principles involved; a place where you can get some deliberation upon learning and teaching methods; and a means from which to build your confidence and capacity to continue the pedagogical journey in your own context and practice.
課程目標 對應系所核心能力
1. 廣博且全面地理解IB教育的核心理念、理論與實作方法 碩士:
 1-2 能具有國際視野,瞭解華語文教育在國際的全貌。
 4-3 能促進華語文教學之國際推廣。

授課教師 張瓅勻 范雅筑
Week 1
IBO and IB Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate and its Mission Statement

Week 2

Introduction (synchronizing videoconferencing)

Week 3
Learner Profile

Week 4
International Mindedness

Week 5
Program Models & IB Standards and Practices

Week 6
Conceptual Understanding

Week 7
Midterm Presentation – Conceptual-based curriculum design (synchronizing videoconferencing)

Week 8
Differentiated Instruction

Week 9
Collaborative Learning

Week 10
Unit Planning

Week 11
Approaches to Learning and Approaches to Teaching

Week 12
Link Assessment Objectives and Criteria to Formative Assessment and Inclusion

Week 13
MYP Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning

Week 14
DP Theory of Knowledge

Week 15
Final Presentation (with peer assessment & self-assessment / synchronizing videoconferencing)

Week 16
Final Presentation (with peer assessment & self-assessment / synchronizing videoconferencing)

Week 17
MYP Service and Action DP CAS

Week 18
MYP Projects & DP EE

方式 說明
方式 百分比 說明
作業 30 % 課程安排六次作業(每ㄧ份5分,每份作業之要求將於課程中詳細說明),需於規定時間前上傳作業(可以在規定時間前重複繳交;若遲交,需交至遲交區,酌情扣分)。由教師評量,並提供優良作品觀摩。
課堂討論參與 25 % 同步課程討論參與、非同步課程觀看與討論、完成各單元綜合評量。
報告 45 % 一、期中報告15%:小組報告,主題為「概念性理解教學之應用與成效分享」,由同儕 (組內5%、組間5%)、教師評量(5%),評分規準於課程中詳細說明。二、期末報告30%:個人報告,主題為「我的IB單元計畫(unit plan)—理論與實踐」,需繳交個人影音(10%)與書面報告(20%),細節與評分規準(rubrics)將於課程中說明。